OpenShift Cluster Installation, Architecture, Demo (OpenShift Administration Part-1) Red Hat Ex280

Installation of OpenShift Cluster
OpenShift Architecture
Lab – Deploy application

Install / uninstall OPENSHIFT Cluster in AWS cloud –
OpenShift Quick Start (Developer Sand bx) –

Install Openshift Cluster —
Developer Sand Box —

Container Architecture, Docker and Podman (Containers, Kubernetes OpenShift Part-1) RedHat EX180 –

Commands —
oc new-project chapter1
oc new-app –name hello –image
oc expose service hello
oc get all
oc get pod -o wide
oc scale –replicas 4 deployment/hello
oc delete project chapter1


by Tech Tejendra

redhat openstack

18 thoughts on “OpenShift Cluster Installation, Architecture, Demo (OpenShift Administration Part-1) Red Hat Ex280

  • The first lecture should cover detailed architecture, prerequisites, and your lab description so beginners can proceed through the rest of your series without confusion

  • Could you please guide me I am new to openshift How I am able to practice from it I can understand the concept here. If any one cleared also please help me how to setup LAB

  • I have no words to congratulate your efforts to share knowledge. God Bless you always !!

  • ⁠could you pls
    confirm which exam should I register for? There are 3 on red hat scheduling for ex280k
    1) Specialist in Openshift Adminv4.10
    2) red hat certified openshift admin v4.12
    3) Specialist in Openshift admin v4.6

  • 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:02 Introduction to the Red Hat OpenShift Administration tutorial series.
    00:45 Mention of other tutorial series on OpenShift development, exam 288, containers, and Kubernetes.
    00:58 Chapter one covers OpenShift cluster installation methods.
    02:07 OpenShift cluster can be deployed on various clouds or on-premise data centers.
    02:31 OpenShift can also be deployed on a single machine for testing purposes.
    05:33 Introduction to the OpenShift sandbox environment for development and testing.
    07:00 Overview of OpenShift architecture, built on top of Kubernetes.
    09:14 Distinction between Kubernetes (engine) and OpenShift (car).
    10:07 Demonstration of deploying an application into the OpenShift environment.
    12:25 Explanation of how the application is fetched from the image registry (
    13:44 Process of exposing the service to get a route for accessing the application.
    15:10 Explanation of OpenShift's master and worker nodes.
    17:18 Demonstration of horizontally scaling the application to handle more load.
    18:43 Process of deleting a project and its associated resources from the cluster.

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  • Thank you so much Tejendra..! for the OpenShift Session-1. Your explanations are very much helpful to understand the concepts simply..! I am Preparing for EX-280 exam.. Thanks again..!

  • I am using labs of redhat openshift website to practice and it shows yum is not installed. How do i install it?

  • Thanks for good content !
    BTW I have some questions. In the EX280, Do I have to install OCP cluster by myself ? Can I do an exam by both CLI and OCP console?

  • I cleared my EX280 exam. Your videos are really helpful. Thank you !

  • Will having an openshift cluster installed on my local laptop be enough to do hands-on and pass the exam? (After completing all videos here)

  • Thanks Sir for detail content. I am preparing for ex280, I believe this content will very useful. I have cleared Ex180 by seeing you tutorial series on Ex180. Thanks once again.

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