OpenStack Appliance 5 minutes to deploy on Thinkpad

Pointless video that demonstrates a bare-metal installation of an OpenStack Compute Appliance on an IBM Thinkpad in under 5 minutes. The real point is that the ISO image of this appliance is built automatically from the latest OpenStack source code plus the CentOS base OS and dependent packages in less than 10 minutes. This enables continuous integration and testing of OpenStack development builds.

More details in my blog post here:


by Brett Adam

redhat openstack

5 thoughts on “OpenStack Appliance 5 minutes to deploy on Thinkpad

  • Can you make your kickstart and custom packages available?

  • Sorry: looks like the blog link doesn't go directly to the correct posting anymore. I updated the info on this video above with a corrected link. (Can't put it in this comment due to the way YouTube works)

  • may i know which iso ur suing for this ?? is there any download link available for this iso ?

  • I really should get a small tripod for the iPhone…

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