OpenStack for Research Computing

In this video from Switzerland HPC Conference, Stig Telfer from StackHPC presents: OpenStack and the Software-Defined Supercomputer.

“This talk will present the motivating factors for considering OpenStack for the management of research computing infrastructure. Stig will give an overview of the differences in design criteria between cloud, HPC and data analytics, and how these differences can be mitigated through architectural and configuration choices of an OpenStack private cloud. Some real-world examples will be given that demonstrate the potential for using OpenStack for managing HPC infrastructure. This talk will present ways that the HPC community can gain the benefits of using software-defined infrastructure without paying the performance overhead.”

About Stig Telfer, CTO, StackHPC: After periods working in high-performance networking startups and for supercomputer company Cray, Stig Telfer is now CTO of StackHPC, a UK consultancy specialising in developing OpenStack for research computing and HPC. Stig is also co-founder of the OpenStack Foundation’s Scientific Working Group and co-chair for the Research/HPC track sessions at the OpenStack summits.

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