#openstack Images Service Glance | openstack tutorial | glance service on openstack

#openstack Images Service Glance | openstack tutorial | glance service on openstack
OpenStack Glance has a client-server architecture that provides a REST API to the user through which requests to the server can be performed.
A Glance Domain Controller manages the internal server operations that is divided into layers.
Specific tasks are implemented by each layer.
All the file (Image data) operations are performed using glance_store library, which is responsible for interaction with external storage back ends and (or) local filesystem(s).
The glance_store library provides a uniform interface to access the backend stores.
Glance uses a central database (Glance DB) that is shared amongst all the components in the system and is sql-based by default.
Components of Glance
A client – any application that makes use of a Glance server.
REST API – Glance functionalities are exposed via REST.
Database Abstraction Layer (DAL) – an application programming interface (API) that unifies the communication between Glance and databases.
Glance Domain Controller – middleware that implements the main Glance functionalities such as authorization, notifications, policies, database connections.
Glance Store – used to organize interactions between Glance and various data stores.
Registry Layer – optional layer that is used to organise secure communication between the domain and the DAL by using a separate service.

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