Orange Pi Zero 2W

Orange Pi Zero 2W single board computer review, including comparisons to other SBCs, specifications, and demos running Ubuntu, Orange Pi OS and Android.

The Orange Pi Zero 2W featured in this video was purchased from Amazon.com: https://amzn.to/4bl1Rsb Note that this is an affiliate link, and that I will earn a commission from any qualifying purchases.

You can find more information about the Orange Pi Zero 2W on its web page here: http://www.orangepi.org/html/hardWare/computerAndMicrocontrollers/details/Orange-Pi-Zero-2W.html

If you like this video, you may be interested in my reviews of the boards I compared it to here:

Orange Pi Zero 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vmMeTMWkmo

Radxa Zero 3W: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaH4BBij5N4

Raspberry Pi Zero 2W: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qxcyb5z2HDM

And you can find my reviews of many more ARM SBCs on this page: https://www.explainingcomputers.com/arm_sbc_videos.html

For additional ExplainingComputers videos and weekly updates, you can learn about becoming a channel member here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbiGcwDWZjz05njNPrJU7jA/join

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You may also like my ExplainingTheFuture channel at: http://www.youtube.com/@explainingthefuture

00:00 Introduction
00:45 Unboxing & Comparisons
04:23 Specifications
06:55 Ubuntu
10:34 Orange Pi OS
13:12 Android
15:12 Wrap

#OrangePiZero2W##OrangePi #Zero2W #PiZero2W #ExplainingComputers



48 thoughts on “Orange Pi Zero 2W

  • different images for different memory sizes has to be only the tip of the iceberg of usability shorfalls with these raspberry alternatives

  • How do you think this performs for audio quality? I've been getting into pi hifi projects recently and something like this looks like it could be a really good option for audio streaming with a basic UI 🎶

  • Excellent video, as usual. I really like the reviews of the SBCs. One thing that you did not explained, unless I missed, what is the 16 MB of flash used for? Is it a boot monitor of some kind, or can it be programmed to do that? Thanks again for another video.

  • Too bad there is no emmc chip on such a beautiful device.

  • This orange pi looks interesting. I’m ordering it today. Thank you for the great video.

  • I read a comment from a user from another youtube channel saying that by default the gpu is disabled in the config, you have to enable it to get GPU acceleration in the browser. Maybe you can explore that and do a comparison for your next video.

  • Maybe it is time to have a basic beginners tutorial about PI?

  • I wish you would show us some emulation tests on it as well.

  • I find it strange that after Orange pi have been in the market for so long, it still not supports hardware decoding in the browser. It's astonishing!

  • Are they serious about their own OS? I have Raspbian running on a Surface RT, and it’s more stable than the Orange Pi OS.

  • As usual, this is a great board, but the software support isn't very good. And I don’t think that the situation will improve much, just as it did not improve for all previous generations of single-board computers from this manufacturer. However, there is hope – community patches may appear in the AUR.
    Personally I have and use a couple of Orange Pi Zero just because they are the cheapest SBCs. They work well enough for my purposes.

  • Does the CPU have a crypto engine (AES,…)? The rpi are a pain if you want to use them for VPN…

  • Hey Chris, I've only just noticed, there's NO SPACE in "ExplainingComputers."

    Would you care to "Explain" the lack of space? … Is "ExplainingComputers" compressed to save space? 🤣 (See what I did there?)

    EDIT: I've got a Single "Bored" Computer! It's a Beelink. It's an "ExcruciatingComputer." 👎😠

    Blimey, I thought Mr. Scissors was blunt? … Glad to see he's as sharp as ever! 👍

  • While the two boards were lying side by side, I had the weird notion of hooking the one's GPIO header to the other's GPIO pins. I wonder if there's any usefulness in that, or if it would just loop-short?

  • but the files are stored on google drive, thats so damn unprofessional.

  • I always use Chris' 1080p test clip as a benchmark when trying a new board (with a desktop) I've not used before. Always seems to be pretty predictive.

  • I have the 1 GB version of this board running Pi-hole in headless mode. The only issue can be seen at the 6 minute 41 second mark. If you look closely at the mounting hole near GPIO pins 1 and 2, there are three surface mounted chips. Be very careful when using spacers as they can crush these chips when tightening the case screws.
    I had to cut away part of my spacer to avoid these chips.

  • Peter another great learning experience always love to follow you on you tube and enjoy so much your exciting new SBCs I can't thank you enough for doing this as it is so helpful in my limited adventures and teaching so many new and exciting things in the world of computers Love your channel always a please to see you again.

  • 0:53 "…for $31.99…" Lost me right there !
    These SBCs aren't even worth the headache at that price nowadays, at least not for my usecases…

  • Any SBC manufacturer that gets the features, price and ecosystem right, could dominate the market.

  • Hey, do you have any video on any way of powering these computers with batteries? I'm looking for a solution that can give around 4 amps max.

  • Great review, Chris! It is an exciting little board.

    I've had mine for a while but options were much more limited for OSs until recently, it seems.

    It's also too bad OrangePI doesn't feel like using encryption for their website.

  • Hi thank for the video! Did you mention what video decode/encode capabilities this board have?
    To me that's one of the spec features that I'm always going to be interested in learning about for all these SBCs and small formfactof computers.
    That and the type and strength of the GPU. maybe you could consider adding some info about those things in the future? I guess you are stating the name of the GPU but maybe some kind of comparison and gpu benchmark numbers could be given?

  • We got retropie working on this board. I was hoping cloud gaming would work based on specs. But it lags. Another situation of lack of driver support. The raspi pi zero2w can run Dreamcast games just fine. This model lacks 3d acceleration. It’s more powerful than raspi zero 2w but hits and misses in performance

  • Nice small and cheap board. Seems it can be a good replacement for a raspberry pi 3.

  • Great to have another video with Mr. Scissors back at work. I agree that Orange Pi model names and numbers defy explanation. For instance, the OP 800 is closest to…the OP 4LTS in specs and GPIO setup. Even runs Armbian for the 4LTS. Go figure.

  • I just picked up one of these (2 GB model) to run my octoprint server for my 3D printer. I don't have it running yet, but hopefully soon. Thanks for the review and information about the device. Seems like a nice little board to run as a headless server like I plan to do.

  • If my memory serves me right, this board has identical specs as Orange zero3. 2w has better form factor and better connector layout. With zero 3, i always get the feeling i break hdmi usb-c 6 pretty cramped.

  • Great video as always. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the GPIO looks pin-compatible with the Pi’s?

  • I was hoping for a comparison video like you did with the raspi zero 1w and rpi zero 2w. Thanks for the vid tho.

    And in your opinion, which is the better board?

  • Orange Pi hardware is nice, but Raspberry Pi still has better documentation and software support. The RPi Zero 2W isn't quite what I'm looking for yet hardware-wise, but I eagerly await its successor.

  • As is usual with non-Raspberry Pi ARM SBCs, nice hardware, shame about the software support.

  • Ha. The W stands for wireless? I thought at first that it was designed to only draw 2 watts. I am looking for a tiny form factor sbc that can run linux but that draws as little as possible power as possible for battery-powered applications.

  • This board is awesome, but the voltage regulator is kind of sensitive to high currents on the USB port. One of mine died a few hours ago after running an APRS decoder for a couple of hours. The culprit was probably the USB audio dongle used. So, beware and have fun!

  • It's still very annoying these linux images don't have GPU driver support out of the box.

  • Hi Chris, don't seem to be able to get this on UK Amazon, your affiliate link is for US Amazon

  • A nice project for this SBC would be to buy a cheap touchscreen and a 4G LTE card and build your own … probably not very good … Android phone.

  • Do Orang Pi release the source code for the OS or is it supplied as a binary only?

  • Quad core CPU and only USB 2.0 ? No PCIe?

    I kid, I kid.

  • compared to orange pi5b it is a complete shambles essentially – spend a little more and get 10x the capabilities and sw support

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