OSDN2018 Sardina Systems session: The road to #OpenStack at University of Edinburgh
Learn about The road to OpenStack at UK largest #Academic #privatecloud system: the University of Edinburgh presented by Dr. Kenneth Tan, Head of Product Development, Sardina Systems.
In the presentation we plan to cover the following for our audience:
– the predefined constraints that came from the university’s side
– the solution we have proposed to the university, encompassing all 3 phases of OpenStack: deploy, operate and upgrade
– the benefits of getting an OpenStack-based private cloud system in the academic sector
Sardina #FishOS delivers a full-lifecycle view on #OpenStack and #Kubernetes platforms, allowing its customers to benefit from Zero-downtime Cloud Operations.
With FishOS product customers can enable a scalable, automated, and pay-as-you-grow enterprise OpenStack and Kubernetes cloud model.
Keep in touch with us on https://www.sardinasystems.com/contact/
by Sardina Systems