Computer NetworksNETWORKS

OTRACKER is a one-of-a-kind location awareness and IP address tracker # OTRACKER #ONPASSIVE

Success begins with the right key! OTRACKER unlocks decision-making insights, providing the clarity you need to for making informed and strategic choices.

OTRACKER is a one-of-a-kind location awareness and IP address tracker module to detect country, language, time-zone, and the currency by tracking the user’s IP address. OTRACKER allows you to set up regulations on specific countries. In addition, the tool will enable marketers to keep track of visitors from different countries.

It maps IP addresses to a physical location and offers additional insights into the internet connectivity like the type of connectivity and internet service provider’s information. As a result, it helps businesses enhance the quality of their data and position their brand messages for better engagement.

In addition, the intuitive dashboard allows users to keep track of visitors from various countries, the payment patterns and red flags of suspicious transactions, unusually top tips, and business deals. It also assists in identity threat detection by analyzing the suspect’s browsing patterns and making human vs. Robot detection. In addition, the IP tracker tool allows businesses and marketers to maximize the efficiency of their branding messages to reach the target audience at various locations.

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.