Passed the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam from Linux Foundation! 🥳 🏅

Yesterday I put out a video describing the various learning objectives for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam. Today, about 20 hours after completing the exam, I got a barrage of e-mails with my results, saying that I had passed! It was quite the unexpected surprise. Honestly, I did not expect that I was going to pass the exam, going into it, and even after completing it. Having spent many hours of hands-on time with Kubernetes proved to be useful, however.

I hope that my experiences with Kubernetes and the CKA exam will help other technology professionals, from all around the world, pass the CKA exam, if that is their objective! If nothing else, taking the CKA exam is a good way to test your knowledge of Kubernetes, and see if there are any gaps where you can invest more learning time into.

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#cncf #linuxfoundation #kubernetes


by Trevor Sullivan

linux foundation

3 thoughts on “Passed the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam from Linux Foundation! 🥳 🏅

  • Hello thanks for video, I want to no if after course completion on web site(linux foundation)
    I can get the bage via credly

  • Great work! I like saying "kube-control" rather than Kube-cuttle. Though I do love Cuttlefish!

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