Path of Exile | 3.0 Talk – Why I Chose Berserker RF over Chieftain
Path of Exile Builds
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atoll logiciel
Hey guys, remember I've only played Life RF as a Berserker and the main point was simply to compare it to chieftain since that's what all the questions usually stem from. This video wasn't made to show that berserker is the " best " it's to show my preference. Also Apologies if the content seems " Rushed " but since I haven't ever played Life RF as other sub classes I can't really speak much about them. Hope you guys understand much love <3
Im just about to try my first RF character and i assumed Chieftain was the default best pick because of the fire damage bonuses. Good thing i haven't picked ascendancy yet, i would have been disappointed. Excellent advise many thanks.
4:40 "nothing here even helps you" *node has 1% of fire damage leeched as life, fire pen, and totem dmg leech xD i chuckled a little bit there
I wish juggernaught had more intresting accendency skills. Feels a little boring IMO.
I just started playing PoE since 3-4 days ago. Saw your vid linked in the discord channels, I have a question I have a level 48 ranger (softcore) normal mode. What do you advice to start a new character with? There are not really newb friendly video's without a the OP gear in the start. Guides are good and newb friendly but there is really no level 1 to x level guides… that take you from no gear to decent gear on higher level or gear up while progressing. Love the vid btw RF beserker looks awesome to play when I am done with my ranger.
Liked and subbed 👍
Hey Pohx! Level 35 RF marauder here atm. Struggling to have enough life regen to sustain constant RF. Am i missing something? Followed your skill tree layout as well. And you say you need berzerker and warbringer to be able to sustain it.
What pantheon's would be best for this
I'd say basic scene, especially since I'm mostly a mobile watcher and the new one makes it hard to see.
7:55 Did I miss something? Last time I played RF (LL RF following your guides), I had to get something like 83% fire res while grabbing all life regen nodes + 6 auras for the templar passive hp regen
Did GGG nerf the life degen of RF or was this just an exaggeration? I havent gotten to playing 3.0 yet but I kinda wanna go back to playing some sort of RF character
"basic" scene because of resolution
wich bandit please ?
What are your thoughts on scion RF with the changes to her ascendancy.
I think you undervalue the chieftain 10% strength and the extra life regen.
When you combine those together you get vastly more healing that is on 100% of the time vs your warcry heal.
Plus, 10% strength on RF gives huge life..which scales your BASE damage by a lot.
My source: I've played RF for nearly every league because I love it. I have so many RF characters in standard, I gathered up the best gear from all of them and combined them to one character.
I then made 3 characters all with nearly the same skill tree, but I made one Chieftain, one Zerker, and One Jugger. So the only difference was the ascendancy.
While playing, the one that felt the most tanky and fluid was the chieftain by far. The Zerker did a small amount more damage, but the Chieftain just feels sooo much better to play.
I do play my RF a bit different though as I always incorporate self cast Scorching Ray to use on bosses. This league I plan on linking that with Cast while channeling, Dark Pact, Life Leech. Not sure how it will go though.
But anyway, from a lifetime RF player who has tried them all and tested a lot, Zerker sounds best on paper, but when playing I almost always prefer my Chieftain version.
I would like to watch your vids in the basic scene because its bigger and therefore much more comfortable for me 🙂
you forgot to mention how fucking sweet it is to be able to run -% regen or no regen maps without getting royally fucked over by not having any heals other than life regen
Chieftain RF totems got *GUTTED*, as in it's pretty dead because totem health pools got cut by half.
But… just to be evil… Run Berserker all the way across to the shadow/ranger DoT nodes, then up to Pain Attunement with 'zerker's +40% damage node…
Unfortunately not sure how you could manage Pain Attunement without ES but woah, +70% 'more' spell damage on something like ED/Cont, SR, or the like.
Prolly pure glass cannon, huge waste of points unless you've got a lvl 100 zerker to reroll and play with.
Hi Pohx, thx for the usefull thoughts! Like to hear your opinion on Blood Magic keystone. Irt RF and irt having no auras. And any other thoughts. Gg!
Bro, i cant find this build in tinyurl , just es builds. I woukd like knw what gems u going to use. I saw many videos and your build seems better!
Would RF work with the reworked Decay gem as a 5L?
were the righteous fire nerfs already in beta or are they just coming with 3.0 do you know pohx? how much damage do we lose?
what gems/links do I use to level up before switching to rf
I've been thinking about an ascendant RF character in 3.0. Any thoughts on if it will work alright?
PoB link:
Hi, very nice video, will start new league with this build. Any link for path of building or POE forum for the build?
hey Poch RF got nerfed in 3.0.
What do you think about the RF 20% nerf in 3.0 patch notes?
King of the North!
are you still going RF when it got nerfed by 20%?
I like the fancy scene! Maybe the game screen should a bit bigger? Had difficulties to read text on my 4,5" phone display.
The nodes are way to small to see when you have a smaller window instead of fullscreen
do it basic
Basic screen for sure, its a lot more clear to see.
Righteous Fire got nerfed in the patchnotes. Does that affect the damage too much?
Seems weird to justify Berserker by comparing to Chieftain/Juggernaut, when Ascendant and Trickster seem like the hot options.
Interesting build. Is it a good starter in 3.0?
Basic scene as it gives us more vision, instead of the stream one which reduces the screen size
Have you considered using MoM and benefiting from the 25% mana recovery from the warcry as well? I don't know if this build could even pretend to maintain any mana while doing that but it's an interesting thought. I feel like that is going down the path of RF being supplementary damage rather than primary but I could see some synergy there.
Edit: Clarity + Rallying Cry for the mana