Payday 3 is an Apathetic Disappointment

Well, after three long months of being out, we decided to give Payday 3 a try. How was it? False promises, tons of issues, lots of boring gameplay, AI art, and a lack of vision. Payday: The Heist and Payday 2 were both notable games when they hit the shelves. Payday 2 ended up being a cultural phenomenon due to the sheer amount of enjoyment you could derive from it. However, where Payday 2 created the foundation, Payday 3 brought in the wrecking ball. The good faith that Payday 2 has created was wiped clean due to the errors of Payday 3. It’s not all bad though, there are certainly some good aspects in this game, however, there’s a lot to be said.


Music Used:

Unown – Dethfunk
Koolsax – Evasion
SolarFlow – Springtime
Ganga – Koalition
NK Music – Cordelia
Woolfy – Set It Up
Handbook – Pliable


Channel – @MeatfulMen
Commentator – Bologna
Editor – @Aspirish
Discord – https://discord.gg/JNv8jy4QGD

Thanks for watching 🙂

#payday3 #gaming #gameplay


by Meatful Men

linux foundation

44 thoughts on “Payday 3 is an Apathetic Disappointment

  • the aspect ratio of this video made me feel like a horse. awesome video, great insights

  • I would also say that it looks worse than payday 2, menu wise.

  • It's easily the worst music I've ever heard. I disabled that about 4 seconds in.

  • "payday the heist is just fine" it's literally better than payday 2 in current state, a perfectly designed game. If you disagree with that your opinion on design is already disregarded

    Massive exaggeration of circles

    Safe in the wall was revealed by shade, listen better

    AI art is used because the art in the gallery is meant to be shit

  • 15:20
    >help the artist
    The art is the game, not the textures you're looking at. Collecting and getting art for games is just a fucking pain and AI helps in general. You should really apply the general rule of thumb over it being a big boy company with the resources to spare instead of doing a retard all or nothing approach.
    The game's just shit and grindy and the DLC is absurdly expensive. It's half the cost of the base game with like 10% of the content.

  • I love Payday 2. It's the only game I would buy all DLC for and the new ones whenever they came out. Payday 3 was so bad it ruined all the other games for me. I loved payday 2 so much that it was the only reason I bought a PC twice.

  • What the fuck did you do to the aspect ratio? Who makes videos for ultrawide monitors?

  • video is fine overall but dawg, I do NOT agree with your take on the designs of the special units, the guys in pd2 were very distinct and easy to point out in a crowd amongst the chaos, pd3 isnt as chaotic though so the more subtle designs are fine but the guys in pd3 end up looking really boring in comparison like normal ass swat guys with like 1.5x scale or a little bit of yellow.

    I did find the phrase "not good successor" funny, keep up the grind and good luck with future videos!!

    please use normal aspect ratio when recording too for the uh… the "viewing experience"

  • as a 1300 hours veteran of pd2, i can confidently say it is bad. My pc is shit so I gotta get like 50 performance mods to run the thing, but they break with every update, so i spend a lot of time fixing those. But its not like its really worth it. Anything below death wish is a joke, DW itself is too easy, while death sentence is too punishing (without meta garbage). Crime spree and holdout are dead, so only regular heists remain, lots of them are either copy paste missions like bank heist gold/bank heist cash/bank heist deposit, or stealth, which is also kinda shit and really boring. The remaining few good ones are hidden under DLCS, are unoptimized, or are just never found online as hosted lobbies, since multiplayer is also almost dead after the horrible epic games merger thing. Predatory overpriced DLCs, over 70 of them, lots of powercreep and lazy asset flips, etc etc. Playing alone was always boring, but playing with friends also became tedius and hard, not to mention simply having the game function, but despite all this, I would still much rather play it than pd3

  • While i do agree with you on some points that are bad in the game like forced online, the AI teammates and *the wifi circles*, the rest of the points you make here are (pardon my language here) kinda shit.

    First of all "Most of the game is just sitting around". No? That is both subjectively and objectively wrong, even in stealth. While there are moments that you do have to stand still like the fucking wifi circles oh my god after you are done with that objective you still have to move around and complete the objectives by basically going through the entire map to either move the mountain of loot you have or complete an objective, apart from the wifi circles you rarely sit around and do nothing in this game.

    Second of all "The guns feel weightless". Now i am no expert on this subject at all and when it comes to how to make a gun feel good in the game i am not even the last guy to ask about this subject, im not even on that list. But the only guns that feels really weightless and kind of the fancy type of G a r b a g e is the Northwest rifle and a little bit the Car-4 (The M4). The weapons feel fine and great to use in this game. They aren't the most garbage mobile type game level of dodoo garbage but they aint brandon herreras wet dream in games. Me personally? i just think you either compared these guns to a really good example like a gun simulator or something like that or just haven't used them enough. But in this case thinking the guns feel weightless or not is kind of subjective and i can't really say that you are entirely wrong or not, but i just feel differently on that

    Thirdly "The maps are boring and feel like a chore to play". No? I was suprised that you liked PD2's maps so much but felt so different about PD3's maps. The 2's games map designs are very different and apart from the fucking wifi circles none is exactly better, they simply fit what the game was going for. If you wanna talk about PD3 being a chore to play through then on the same perspective shadow raid in PD2 would also be bad because you had to go through all corners of the map on the same exact places to find the loot then d r a g them all the way to the beginning. Im starting to think that the reason you shit on PD3 is because its so different from PD2 and not it being bad. Also you can't really give the argument of "Why was the game that came out in 2012 with 10 years of fucking support better than this game on release" Yes i agree the game was kinda meh on launch but you can't compare it to a game with approximatly 10 years of support to one that hasn't even been out for half a year. The map design in PD3 was great, both unmasked and masked and you didn't feel like it was a job to playthrough. And even in the example you used being under the surphaze, the wifi signals are the only bad part of the map also the map doesn't look the same in every area, did you even play the entire heist? the map design was great having to move through the halls of the building and going into the art exhibits to disable the security was great! The only chore in the game was leveling up because the challenge based progression system was garbage and those god forsaken wifi circles .
    Okay im over exaguarating these they aren't that bad but every time i see that i have to do that objective im like "damn alright i guess i gotta do these" but they only show up in half the missions buut Meatful makes it seem like they are in every mission. They show up in under the surphaze stealth, and it has the most ones being about 4-6 on both floors, gold and shark only has it in loud but thats why it sucks because you gotta stand still while the entire NYPD shoots at you, 99 boxes during stealth with only 1 set if them and the final mission aswell with only 1 set aswell. They aren't that bad but like i said, replaying the missions and seeing them is like "F**k i forgot about those" and you gotta go quickly do them

    Also the QR code mechanic is not even dumb man, its a great mechanic. Imma take No rest for the wicked as an example. On normal mode, there is no qr code you can just go into the second floor but on Overkill difficulty you gotta find the phone that can be in one of 4 places. And they aren't even dumb places they are where you would expect. The managers office, the employee lockers, the IT room and the IT room table. If you just play the heist enough you will find them its not that hard. It changes the way you play the heist and they are great, even if you gotta find like 8 of them shits on under the surphaze its still a fun experience.

    And Then the last point before i say some more stuff i do agree with you on, "None of the missions use that technology in a fun or innovative way" Uhh hello? Under the surphazes security systems? One of the paintings burn up after picking one so don't pick the wrong one? Being able to put Micro Cams, Motion sensors AND (For some reason) Infra sonic mines ON PEOPLE including guards. Why would you specifically put a Infra sonic mine on someone? I don't know but you can. Being able to hack cams and either loop it, make it mark guards or just straight up fucking explode it if you want to is great. You can activate audio lures from a distance with a skill and same goes with security drones with another skill. I just feel like you have some deep and massive grudge against PD3 and just want to shit on it for no reason or just blowing it out of proportion. Yes the game has issues, quite a fair bit of them but its not as extreme as you would suggest it is. Im kinda hoping you replay it without the pessimistic and (arguably wrong) attitude and give it a fair shot because the game is good…. But there are sure as hell some issues with it which brings me to the parts i do agree with you.

    The game being forced to online only even in solo lobbies is very f**king dumb. I played rock the cradle once and was halfway through and got disconnected losing all my progress which was so annoying but thankfully it only happened once.
    Not mentioned by you (suprisingly) is the way you get XP which is getting a tiny bit for heist completion and Getting ALL the loot on the heist. And where the majority comes is from challenges. Headshot people with this gun, do it with this gun now or complete this heist 10 times on overkill, it fucking sucks but adding the Heist completion and all bag loot is a good step in the right direction.
    W I F I C I R C L– okay i'll stop
    They're not that bad just kinda a bruh moment after the 4rd replay of the heist.
    The new heist DLC while being good, costs 10 fucking dollars for 1 heist which is absurd and the entire package with the tailor and weapon pack aswell (which sucks because i love the weapons in the pack but its 6 dollars for 3 weapons so nah) is like 18 dollars which is also f**king stupid. And part of the issue might be that the publisher is deep silver sooo thats also an issue.
    The first month after release had no updates whatsoever which was also a letdown. But to make it worse they didn't tell us state of it after it got delayed so we just sat in the corner bagging money with telekinesis until they gave us some news about it.

    So to round of this college essay of a comment. Payday 3 is a good game, surrounded by a whole heap of issues but its not as bad as you say it is.

    Now even if it might seem like it im not trying to shit on you and just diss your opinion, im just trying to tell you in the most constructive way possible with proof from the game itself that the arguments you bring up for the game being bad is mostly wrong. Although You did bring up some points that are absolutely true like online only and the skills being a bit weaker than PD2. They aint entirely bad but i do semi agree with you about that, and the dumbass AI teammates.
    Next time if you do make another one of these videos please do us all a favor and do some research into the topic more and play the game a bit more before bashing the shit out of it into the ground and lighting the whole on fire with a flame thrower.

    Thats all from me, im fucking tired thank you for reading all this shit

  • 12:42. That woman with a fox is from
    Russia not new york but your point stands new york is pretty chaotic to visit and live in.

  • My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

  • the wi fi parts are like the drill part of a lot of levels of pay day 2, but you cant leave the area to make other thing

  • Fun fact about the weapons feeling weak, they decided to have a armor system for the enemies with weapons having their own armor penetration, and they do not tell you anything about this outside of a single skill

  • Payday 3 feels more like payday 1.5 instead of 3 since aside from visuals it's a step down form payday 2, skill trees alone are enough but the fact tha there is no perk decks, gun customization is ass, armor's don't affect detection, lack of crime net. Sliding and vaulting are a pro but they can and were added with mods to payday 2 wich can be played offline in case Overtrash servers die again

  • PD2 wasn't great at launch. Not defending PD3 but you can't really compare 10 years worth of content to a release. I think the menus and lobby system is one of the biggest issues with PD3. At the release of PD2 you couldn't even move hostages and heists that were at the release were heists like four stores, bank heist, firestarter etc…

  • you make so cool content my man but why the Dimension of the video so fucked up 🤣

  • Ok can you guys stop milking this repeating yourselves all the time

  • I think Payday 3 will be like payday 2 at one point. But we have to give it times to do so, it's just a question of time pd2 became mythical only after years, no one were like "OMG the game is so great and full of content" when it was first released, even there was a lot of feature that have been added trough time. So give time to PD3 and fuck Starbreeze, Overkill did nothing wrong.

  • game is trash. the developers of payday 2 are not here, same goes for valve the developers of old games are long gone and new WOKE young developers took over and cant do shi*. you guys think gta 6 will be good ? it will be garbage from new developers who didnt work on previous games.

  • bro i get that your showing background footage but holy shit this aspect ratio is straight ass

  • I think the main thing you should look at here is that you don’t like payday, so looking at this game you naturally have undermine good things and more just trash talk the game rather than honestly review it

  • Post-House Warming Party update player 100%. How does a “fan from the beginning” complain about the game being about waiting when it’s the game with the least waiting in the series among other things. PD3 is in a terrible situation yeah but you’re either not as big of a fan as you claim, part of the modern PD2 fanbase that can’t comprehend the game trying to not be a incoherent mess, and/or trying to get some easy views.

  • Please don't use this cancer ass aspect ratio (unless you're using ultra-wide monitor and you have no choice, in that case you're excused).

  • not trying 2 sound like a broken record but pd3 is better than pd2 at launch

  • Roblox noteriatty is better then this game

  • It's unfortunate but I really like this game. It's best to think this as a Payday: The Heist sequel rather than a Payday 2 sequel.
    Maybe it's not for you or maybe your expectations were crushed, I don't know but the solid gameplay is there, you just have to dig through the trash to enjoy it, I suppose.

  • 'most of the game is standing in circles', straight up false, done watching, have a nice day

  • We had gigantic drills and explosions, hell the final DLC heist had an exploding oil rig, and the most exciting thing in this game is uhhh router broken must fix.

  • The mic clipping and quality was not good.

  • I imagine they can improve the wifi section like a ton. There is other games that do a much better job with this type of thing, GTFO for example

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