Penuel The Black Pen In Conversation with Bongani Baloyi, Culture, uBuntu, ANC, PAC, DA, Helen Zille


00:00 – INTRO
01:15 – What are you wearing on your head
03:45 – Language & culture
21:03 – Custodians of culture
24:30 – Biography
35:30 – How did your father impact you
42:27 – Forgiveness & following traditions
51:30 – Family politics
59:30 – How your mother influenced you to join DA
1:07:18 – Did you have an influence in the DA’s growth
1:18:10 – What lead to DA departure
1:28:50 – Racism within DA
1:33:45 – Joining Action SA
1:39:20 – Politics
1:47:20 – Who funds political parties
1:50:20 – Xiluva political party
1:59:15 – Working with other political parties
2:01:05 – Should we scrap Royal leaders
2:03:05 – Closing comments
2:07:33 – ENDS.

Created by Khwezi Ndlovu.



41 thoughts on “Penuel The Black Pen In Conversation with Bongani Baloyi, Culture, uBuntu, ANC, PAC, DA, Helen Zille

  • Penwell wena you're a stodgy! I really don't understand how you think..🧠

    First you mentioned us having to use English language to communicate with the west and the rest!

    Why is it that Africans must be the ones having to compromise that cultures and traditions..?? Mmhhm. Because of economics you believe we should compromise our languages?? Wena you take African people for a joke. Unless you don't take yourself seriously.. and don't expect everyone to be like that.

    If there's something Africa needs to get rid off, is that mindset of colonies. The world cannot function without Africa, so why must it be Africans who compromise??

    Penwell you're so influencial and dull at the same time.

  • What a load of rubbish. Whites feel major consequences when they are racist. Penny Sparrow was fined R100 000.00 Vicky Momburg was jailed for 2 years but was let out early because Ciryl pardoned prisoners with light offenses . The white lady at the robot was jailed. They get canceled left right and centre. When Malema spews his racist vitriol nothing happens to him. Come on Penuel so much double standards.

  • Govern better, less corrupt, more professional they achieve more. Who would have known?

  • Good show..very informative.

    Next in line😅
    Bonang (male)

  • 1;23- at which point did DA bl@cks think ytes would stop being r@cist ? undertones se voet!

  • 1:07 da boards n leadership panels r all overwhelmingly whit€.

  • 5:20-Babeeeeeee….Zulu IS ALSO COLONISER'S LANGUAGE!!! Have u forgotten??!?!??

  • I LOVED Bongani Baloyi speaking in Vanac

  • Oh, how i wish these great minds could find common ground so they could work together! This divide and conquer ideology is working even on our dreams! Theres Zungula, Maimane, Baloyi, Shezi, Van damme, Mazibuko, Ndlozi, the list goes on… but yet they can not find common ground!

  • Personally I like the mini conversations oba nawo nama guest akho bhuti Penuel uma ingxoxo ingaka qali ngokusemuthethweni, ngiwabona eyi-ice breaker enhle futhi asinikeza i-idea of ukuthi amaVibes anjani emvakwama khethini lapho kwi-Penuel Show. Ngicela ningawa susi

  • The issue of language men I believe in bantu people creativity they can always come up with a new language that incorporates all bathu/bantu/banu native languages excluding isingesi nesbhulu….like eNtabeni kunolwimi lakhona that's different from ulwimi oluthethwa emakhaya, there was even a language called isdubada formed by Xhosa's there's iscamtho elokishini like guys don't you think abantu abantsundu are creative enough to create another new language ? Instead of wanting to impose isZulu singaba yini ukuxinwa amaZulu😂singahlezi sikhunjuzwa njalo😂

  • I was previously critical of Bongani Baloyi and HIM leaving Action SA ! Now I understand WHY – Herman Mashaba arrogantly mistakes running a political party to his business , whereby he has has the final say , understandably that is his background and how private businesses are run .But NOT in POLITICS – This territory is guided by policy and consensus . Some of Mashaba 's public pronouncements like on BEE, BRICS ,etc are problematic and reflect badly on the Party . Benefit of a doubt ! But him refusing to be challenged on this ( in private btw) by his colleagues in the party is WORRYING and a BIG RED FLAG ! It reminds also of a certain politician egomaniac who wears a a RED overall in parliament ! Thanks Penuel for giving BB the platform to tell his side of the story !

  • Damn I like Gayton Mckenzie of the Patriotic Alliance I like how he is for South Africans & always puts South Africa first in his conversations, but this guy men stole my heart he speaks to me I wish he can grow👏🏿

  • The problem with Africans is they were colonized in the mind to the extend that we forget before the English came all Africans used to trade with other nationalities like the Arabs, Indians and the Dutch. What language was being used. There is clear indication that African are good thinkers but this was taken away from us.

  • The Penuel Show is helping me become better everyday.
    How do I become a paying member. I'm from Zambia

  • Very satisfying conversation. The table sound is uncomfortable.

  • Eita Pen. Please try to keep your sound consistent. Other episodes it's normal and like this one it's too low

  • What a refreshing take on life, it's not just families that tend to be extractive but people in general.

  • My apologies to everyone who felt I intereupted too much.

    I'm constantly working on becoming a better conversationalist & I do believe I have gotten better over time.

    Thank you for the constructive feedback on how I can improve. You can also help us improve by becoming a paying member.

    Thank you 🙏🏽

  • The situation around him leaving ActionSA now makes sense, since he spoke of his family's affiliation with the ANC.

  • Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers 🎉 been praying for this sit down

  • It sounds like this guy grew up with the fight to prevent communism in SA in the 1990,s. Of course people confused Ubuntu with Collectivism, The two are not the same as 30 years of Communist rule has had to prove to even slightly intelligent people alive today. SA has been destroyed in its totality compared to what it once was, and could have been today. Communism is the destruction of nations through deception in order to gain money land, minerals and riches by a tiny global elite. That has now been proved here in SA beyond any doubt. In other words, "collectivism" can never have even a slight resemblance to the meaning of "Ubuntu".

  • Quick question, is there a reason why you perhaps dont have an intro?

  • Penuel please stop being a dj vld let your guest finish their points so we can get the point of view you asked your guest.

  • I thoroughly enjoyed these insights. Thanks for hosting this man Pen.

  • Amazing sit with Bongani Baloyi. As an African who has never been to South Africa, I can say that this guest is on top 3 with Rutendo and Vusi. Its refreshing to hear someone who speaks with no fear but in a soothing way. He clearly knows the things he speaks of. Defintely he should come down for 2 or 3 more episodes. Culture is a topic that should be brought forward more times by those who actually understand it and can lead us. The answers we need are coded within our cultures. Money and development will be a natural consequence of knowing ourselves and our communities.

    On another note, I think there is a mistake in thinking that english is the dominant language in South Africa. It will never be because those who control the economy (and therefore power) dont speak english. They speak afrikaner. They have no interest in going your way. It reminds me of Game of Thrones when King Joffrey Baratheon had the power when in fact his grandfather Tywin Lannister had absolute control. Let us not close our eyes to reality my brothers. Asē ✊🏿

  • Ahhhh man, there were so many points were learnings were lost because the guest couldn't finish their thought. I know that the "please don't interrupt guests" topic is probably redundant for you at this stage but can we suggest other mechanisms.

    So when a guest is busy with a thought, perhaps have a Pen & Paper on hand or iPad etc, where you can scribble a few words to remind you of a point to get back to.

    With that said, we appreciate your conversational style of the podcast. You are doing good work.

  • Imagine a political party that brings back all Native South African languages under one roof and have a constitution yakwaNTU… cause currently the constitution is out of touch with the Values Zomuntu ontsundu only this guy has spoken about this and it made me realize that no not all is lost theres still hope ❤

  • @Penuel Let the guest speak!!!! Haibo if you did an analysis of the amount of time you spoke versus his, yours will be higher. Just ask and let them answer

  • Officiating one language is not gong to unite us! All we need to fight against as black people national and globally is racism

  • Zuly should have been made compulsory for all … I support one african langiage adoption and its Zulu


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