Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

18 thoughts on “People think Apple should kill this next!

  • kill iphone box 2020 now bring the iPhone box old with earphone and charger

  • touch id fucking sucks. I think bro got face id and never went back and now doesnt realise just how shit it was. My ipad runs touch id while my phone has face and i fucking hate touch id. 9/10 times i just have to put my passcode in anyway

  • They should bring back the iPod and the Touchbar

  • Face ID works way better then Touch ID I had to many problems I have to redo my Touch ID over 200 time in a year because people fingers changes

  • Touch ID was NEVER 10x better than Face ID bruh what are you on 😂

  • As an identical twin I agree on the first one.

  • The woman who said to kill laptops actually want to kill apple I guess!

  • The iPad Pro that has the same hardware level components as the MacBook damn near. SHOULD be released with Mac OS and I’m not alone in thinking that.

  • I'd rather have one lens on my phone that is all around better than 3 of them.

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