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PHP in 100 Seconds

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a scripting language for building dynamic websites on the server. It remains one of the most popular programming languages in the world, powering tools like WordPress, Laravel, and Symfony.

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🔖 Topics Covered

– History of PHP
– PHP syntax and features
– Basic Overview of PHP
– What does PHP stand for?
– Does Facebook use PHP?
– Websites that use PHP


by Fireship

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24 thoughts on “PHP in 100 Seconds

  • I loved using PHP when I first started learning web development and miss using vanilla html + css + php and I got so used to phpmyadmin. I really wish I could just abandon my React + Django + Typescript project because it is such a huge learning curve for me and maybe a simple website using pure basic html and simple server requests was not that bad after all.

  • This was lovely to watch <3
    Although it warrants mentioning that 100 seconds is not nearly enough to get an idea of how this amazing language works, and I recommend everyone to deep dive into it.

    Don't let the interpreted nature of PHP fool you, and don't listen to the haters. Vanilla PHP can and should be your bread and butter, as many other languages (like Python) teach you to be lazy and infer what you want (such as merging two arrays together using a + operator, where any other language has express methods for merges and concatenations), breeding terrible habits you'll have to break out of later.

    PHP will punish bad habits (such as weak typing; you'll quickly learn to type hint — though it's more like a demand — and strictly type your vars), teach you objects and inheritance, train you in data parsing and analysis, teach you regex, loops, switches (and when to use if-else instead), I/O operations, file system manipulation, database controls, memory usage optimisation (there's always a more efficient means to do a thing), the whole shebang.
    With the right framework or upgrades to the underlying PHP, you can even do async programs and run PHP passively in the background (if you don't do it old-school like I often do and just cronjob tasks), and overall it's an amazing first time language.
    The skills you pick up in PHP will carry you a long way through almost all other scripting and programming languages, as it teaches all the fundamentals you need to kickstart a career in IT and even programming.

  • php save me in college for doing a webapp for a Library logistics system

  • I’ve been using php for 10,000 years. And though it sounds like you’ve never used it, you did a bang up job explaining it in 100 seconds. Cheers

  • PHP is great for network apps. I don't trust it on my servers, though. I can't defend my suspicion, so I won't articulate it.

  • I’ve been learning php and having to put a dollar sign before every object just annoys the shit out of me and makes code readability an absolute nightmare

  • I’ll admit. I’m a hater. I hate PHP. I always have. I just f***ing hate it so much.

  • how do you record you computer screen with such clarity of screen resolution ? i want that software too….
    when i zoom in my application the footage gets disturbed.

  • Everyone commenting such nice things about php while I hate it with every fibre of my being

  • yeah 100 seconds of PHP but that fakin 20 seconds of unskippable add.

  • I haven't worked with PHP for years, but this was my first server side programming language and really helped me get into actually software engineering. The fact that it can be embedded into HTML, doesn't require a compiler, and is dynamically typed makes it great in my opinion for beginners that want to learn the absolute basics like variables, control flow, functions, etc… without feeling overwhelmed by classes, objects, and deeper programming paradigms.

    It can be used as an object-oriented language though; I was using it ten years ago and was writing classes, creating objects, and using the four programming principles (abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance). It doesn't force OOP, but neither do other languages.

    I think this sentiment has been echoed a lot in the comments section already, but I have to repeat that it does have a special place in my heart.

    On the contrary, I've tried using Laravel as recently as a few months ago and it is a complete headache to implement. Seems like a runaway train of complexity that caters to people who were around during the beginning of the framework and doesn't offer much hope for people trying to break into it. I would sharpen my PHP skills for the sake of just doing so if Laravel was easier to install and use.

    Anyway, that's my PHP (positive) rant. Don't let a popular hate-train steer you away from this language!

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