PicoRio: An Open-Source, RISC-V Small-Board Computer To Elevate The RISC-V Software… – Zhangxi Tan
PicoRio: An Open-Source, RISC-V Small-Board Computer To Elevate The RISC-V Software Ecosystem – Zhangxi Tan, RIOS Lab
PicoRio is an open-source project stewarded by the RISC-V International Open Source (RIOS) laboratory—rioslab.org—a nonprofit research lab at Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI). The RIOS Lab uses collaborative engineering from both academia and industry to elevate the RISC-V software and hardware ecosystem. In PicoRio, we create an open, affordable, Linux-capable RISC-V hardware platform to aid software developers in porting many modern programs that require Javascript or GPUs. PicoRio will build upon high-quality IPs and software components from expert industry engineers and academic researchers. PicoRio is not proprietary to any specific vendor and platform, and will have complete documentation that can help people to build quality products in a short amount of time. Our plan is to ship PicoRio 1.0 in 1H2021.
linux foundation