#PlayStation Homebrew News (PS5 8.20 Released , Userland access on PS5 7.61, PSVR2 on PC & more)
System software update features for PS5 consoles (US)
Waste_Ur_Time/PS4_Passcode_Bruteforcer/PS4_Passcode_Bruteforcer.cpp at main · HoppersPS4/Waste_Ur_Time
(24) Andy Nguyen on X: “Seems like Sony fixed the bd-jb path traversal sandbox escape on PS5 FW 8.00. PoC tweetable:
Seems like Sony fixed the bd-jb path traversal sandbox escape on PS5 FW 8.00.
PoC tweetable:
Change https://t.co/rxkvl52uhE to `<baseDirectory>file:///app0/cdc/lib/../../../disc/BDMV/JAR/00000.jar</baseDirectory>`
and enjoy native code execution on PS5 FW 7.61.
— Andy Nguyen (@theflow0) October 25, 2023
ps4jb2/ps5-kstuff.bin at ps5-403 · sleirsgoevy/ps4jb2
PS5 Kernel Exploit (3.xx-4.xx)
(19) TeRex777 on X: “La nueva PS5 “slim” pide conexión online para instalar su lector Blu-ray. The new “slim” PS5 requires an online connection to install its Blu-ray reader. https://t.co/yustMUh2gT” / X
Why the online activation requirement for PS5’s detachable drive is an issue (opinion) – Wololo.net
Why the online activation requirement for PS5’s detachable drive is an issue (opinion)
(19) LM on X: “It took a few busy nights but hopefully a release is sooner rather than later https://t.co/OVhGlANvYN” / X
It took a few busy nights but hopefully a release is sooner rather than later pic.twitter.com/OVhGlANvYN
— LM (@LightningMods_) October 23, 2023
(1069) Self Host Al Azif’s DNS Server or Use This Alternative One. – YouTube
(19) Nomadic on X: “@crump_youtube In response to this, perhaps you can post this as alternative (my DNS server)” / X
In response to this, perhaps you can post this as alternative (my DNS server)
— Nomadic (@nomadic20000) October 24, 2023
(19) illusion on X: “Added a button toggle to universally patch the fliprate function to unlock framerate in games that don’t have a patch for it. https://t.co/IPwzFInBvX https://t.co/pHq6EaKxjs” / X
Release 1.124 · illusion0001/libhijacker
rajeshca911/Save-Transfer-Wizard: Save Transfer Wizard
(24) iVRy on X: “PSVR2 on PC (SteamVR): – Currently works on AMD (RDNA2+) only on Windows. Needs a hardware “dongle” as well as a VirtualLink port (can be via BizLink adapter) – 6DOF “inside-out” tracking is working – Controller tracking is a long way off still – Eye tracking is even further off https://t.co/Po7Pnx1Fme” / X
PSVR2 on PC (SteamVR):
– Currently works on AMD (RDNA2+) only on Windows. Needs a hardware "dongle" as well as a VirtualLink port (can be via BizLink adapter)
– 6DOF "inside-out" tracking is working
– Controller tracking is a long way off still
– Eye tracking is even further off pic.twitter.com/Po7Pnx1Fme— iVRy (@iVRy_VR) October 19, 2023
0:00 Intro
0:15 PS5 8.20 Released
1:38 Waste Ur Time Source Code
2:43 Userland access on PS5 7.61
3:49 PS5 4.50 FPKGS now supported
4:38 New PS5 Host
5:04 DEMO – PS5 Host
7:04 PS5 Slim Disc Drive requires Internet
9:02 PS5 Homebrew Store
9:47 DNS Server Solutions
10:27 Illusion Patches for PS5
11:52 Save Transfer Wizard PS5
12:43 PSVR2 on PC
13:54 Outro
Connect with me!
✭ My “Gaming Pickup” Channel -https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelsGamingPickups/
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✭ YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/mbcrump
If you want to work with me (via sponsorship/partner) then contact mbcrump29@gmail.com.
How to become a Christian? https://www.allaboutgod.com/how-to-become-a-christian.htm
by Michael Crump
windows server dns
Use chapter markers to skip around and hit me up on X at http://twitter.com/crump_youtube
0:00 Intro
0:15 PS5 8.20 Released
1:38 Waste Ur Time Source Code
2:43 Userland access on PS5 7.61
3:49 PS5 4.50 FPKGS now supported
4:38 New PS5 Host
5:04 DEMO – PS5 Host
7:04 PS5 Slim Disc Drive requires Internet
9:02 PS5 Homebrew Store
9:47 DNS Server Solutions
10:27 Illusion Patches for PS5
11:52 Save Transfer Wizard PS5
12:43 PSVR2 on PC
13:54 Outro
please make a video on how to jailbreak with blue ray disc till 4.xx firmware with k stuff offline method
Guys, 60 FPS patches working with PS4 Fpkg?
Hey mate! Any news on the ps4 scene?
Any new homebrew utility? Perhaps easier jailbreaking? Jailbreaking for firmwares over 9.00?
Maybe rumours of an upcoming full fledge CFW?
Asking as everyone seems to be focused on the PS5.
Hello there can you please give me some information about how to jailbreak my ps4 but I donโt know how to download it on pc
It would be sad if this was the only exploit theflow was talking about when is said "dont update"
Wish he could just hint that there is still more to come ๐ค
Still waiting for ps4 news, I'm on 10.71 ๐
FWI my ps4 is still on 10.50 now i cannot download games ive bought digitally unless i update, Might sell for a 9.00 ps4 or ps5
Hi Crumo, I'm a subscriber and a fan. May I ask, what do you think of my firmware. 7.00. Be patient?
thanks mike always on the twitter pulse ๐
Love your videos, keep it up โค
Online is such a major component of the PS5 that I decided I am not going to jailbreak it. I've got a 9.00 PS4 Pro for those games anyway and the PS5 can only play PS4 FPKG so what is the point anyway?
Allah is the only true God . moses, jesus and mohamed are just a messengers
My only wish is to see PS4 consoles with 9.0 work a bit better when it comes to known issues such as kernel crashes. Mine works well 90% of the time but every so often things fail. I wish along side that we'd have a permanent JB so the thumb drive is no longer a need. As always thank you for the time and effort in the vids!
For stability!