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Porky's | Atari 2600 | Weird Games Licenses

A game based on an early 80’s smash hit sex comedy is surely an unusual thing indeed, and this Atari 2600 multi-stage title is a strange product indeed. How does it measure up though? Is it Meat, or more…. Pee Wee?

My guff:

J Is Manchild Twitter:
Weird Games Licenses:
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Games Based On Flop Movies:
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#videogames #porkys #atari


cisco academie

12 thoughts on “Porky's | Atari 2600 | Weird Games Licenses

  • Didn't even know this game existed. I watched all of the movies when I was about 10 years old in 1988, on the USA Channel's "Up! All! Night!"
    SUBBED!!! Your delivery is quite entertaining!

  • Blossom: Why do they call you "Meat"?
    Meat: Why do they call you "Blossom"?
    Blossom gives a coy grin full of braces, ready to mutilate any meat that gets close to them.

  • Okay this is weird. I wasn't even aware at the time that Porky's movie was set in 1954. Most of the fashion for the characters was back in style in 1981, and not just for Retro-Rockabillies. Plus all the scenes without any costumes, and the fact that small-towns can be stuck in time. And there's no retro hair styling.

  • A film very much of it's time and a game on the level of beat em and eat um seems about right and a fitting punishment

  • The developers of Porky's also did Tax Avoiders for the Atari 2600.

  • That. is. weird. I guess they hoped to appeal to the teenage sense of naughtiness.

  • You always do this! You always show me, well for arguments sake call it a game, that I now must get my hands on!
    Wedo need to start a campaign to get an Escape from New York game made. That is a complete travesty!

  • I wasn't aware of this game until you mentioned it at the weekend. An odd choice, but looking at the list it seems 20th Century Fox just randomly picked their film titles to make games from

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