Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Prime Analysis #12 – Cyber-Ecosystem and Infrastructural Framework Analysis

Prime Analysis #12 – Cyber-Ecosystem and Infrastructural Framework Analysis

On this web series episode of “Prime Analysis”, we welcome, Mr. Onisiforos Soteriou, CEO, of Plexus IT solutions Ltd. Plexus IT solutions is a cyber-security software and hardware and consultancy solutions company, working nationally and internationally with industry providing cyber-ecosystem solutions, across a range of digital ecosystem issues and subjects.

#cybersecurity #strategy #infrastructure security #digital ecosystem

🎙️ A Web Series of Strategy International

🗺️ 24 Minoos Street, Strovolos, CY-2042, Nicosia

#strategyinternational #thinktank #webseries #talks #policy #analysis


cisco academie