linux ftp serverLinux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

pro hacker teaches you how to bypass this!

Bypassing command prompt and powershell restrictions tutorial.

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by Loi Liang Yang

linux ftp command

38 thoughts on “pro hacker teaches you how to bypass this!

  • So change the file name and echo append… nothing? into the executable file?
    Alrighty, I'll remember that. Thank you 🙂

  • Question: what do i do if i cant access group policy manager?

  • well they blocked the local group policy editor so i cant even open it

  • can u make a vid to bypass admin restrictions on downloading software

  • Hello, I have an issue. My windows 11 administrator account was changed, I'm locked out. I have access to a regular account. I can't launch any applications that require elevated privileges. I booted into the bios, the keyboard is disabled. Advanced options for recovery is missing several options like restore, etc. I can launch the task manager, but I can't get to some options, windows explorer is blinking off and on rapidly. I don't want to take it to a shop. If I could boot from the USB, I would reinstall windows. Any ideas??

  • Hello…please help me soneone hacked my account and is posting private things, they changed everything and removed my number and email. Please, please, please help

  • Bruh the way he just renames powershell and it became unrestricted lmao

  • Why would you not be allowed to use your own terminal that has never happened to me?

  • I got a better way to just take the whole machine… Create a PowerShell profile save it in a default PowerShell $pshome in the profile in the profile give set it to run PowerShell as admin and set the execution policy to bypass Use notepad write yourself a PowerShell DSC profile for the computer with base level requirements of the PowerShell version on the machine generally PowerShell 5 save it as a .mof file and put it in the C:WindowsSystem32Configuration with the correct security DSC settings in your config mof you will now be able to control and modify the whole machine…

  • my school disabled cmd, but not powershell lol

  • His voice changer is like listening to an Indian professor try to explain math with his thick accent. You just can’t understand.

  • Maybe it works on low secured school pcs… But it will not work were the administrator is a real pro. Just to disable local group policy user access with a gpo and that's it !!!

  • If the "Prevent access to the command prompt" policy has been enabled, in most cases you can simply type cmd /k "your-command" in RUN (Win+R). This will successfully run the command, output the results and then execute the policy rule. It will only run however if the "Disable the command prompt script processing also?" setting is set to No (the default), which in many corporate environments will be the case due to the use of custom / legacy scripts at logon / logoff.

  • Can you teach me how to get rid of that stupid, extremely annoying logging process? Normal solutions Ive found on internet dont work. Furthermore Ive created one more Account to log in that I cant get rid of neither. Its been few months now. It seems futile.

  • Hi, can you give me code to by pass copy past firewall and coding in a cloud software ?

  • So… quick question… i tried this and it didnt work on my work computer. (I was gonna report it as an exploit if it worked). Within a couple hours my internet was cut off and by the end of the day they took away my work laptop… they suspended me while they launch an investigation.

    Additionally, after the exploit failed, i also toyed around with the commands, using something to the effect of net user password {password here |*} several times. It would cause my prompt to close.

    Is this something that IT would immediately detect and get really spooked by?

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