Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Productivity Open P1AM Arduino Ethernet Shield Web Server

We will now look at the productivity Arduino Ethernet web server that we will implement on our Productivity Open P1AM industrial Arduino controller. This P1AM Web Server Example is based on an example found here. This example uses the productivity open P1AM-ETH shield to create a web server that displays the input values of a P1-08SIM and P1-04THM to a web page. This page is automatically updated every 3 seconds. The IP address of the webserver is set in the Arduino program (Sketch) Entering this IP address in your browser to view the web page. This will display the information from our Arduino P1AM on our web browser. Let’s get started.

00:00 Introduction
00:31 Arduino Web Server Sketch that includes the following:
01:25 P1AM Finding MAC Address
02:08 Arduino Thermocouple Module Configuration
05:59 Hardware review
06:57 Uploading the Program Sketch to P1AM
07:26 Testing the Web Server Sketch
09:52 Conclusion / More Information

More information can be obtained on our website. This includes all of the links mentioned in this video.

Productivity Open P1AM Web Server

Here are previous posts in this Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller Series. A full list can be obtained at the following location:

Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller

Industrial Controller Hardware

Productivity Open Arduino Industrial Controller

– Starter Kit Unboxing Video

– Powering Up Video

Installing the Software

P1AM Arduino Controller Installing the Software

First Program

Productivity Open P1AM Arduino First Program

Program Structure

P1AM Industrial Arduino Program Structure

Variables Data Types

Productivity P1AM Arduino Variables Data Types

Serial Monitor COM

Productivity Open P1AM Arduino Serial Monitor COM

Program Control

Productivity Open P1AM Arduino Program Control


Productivity Open P1AM Arduino Operators

GPIO Inputs and Outputs

P1AM Industrial Arduino GPIO Inputs and Outputs

Math Instructions

Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Arduino Math

Time Instructions

Productivity Open P1AM Arduino Time Instructions

P1000 Expansion Analog Combination Module

P1AM Industrial Arduino P1000 Expansion Analog

PP1000 Expansion Digital Inputs and Outputs Part 1

P1AM Arduino P1 Digital Inputs and Outputs 1

P1000 Expansion Digital Inputs and Outputs Part 2

P1AM Arduino P1 Digital Inputs and Outputs 2

Watchdog Timer

P1AM Industrial Arduino Watchdog Timer

P1000 Expansion Thermocouple Module

P1AM Industrial Arduino Thermocouple Module

PID Control

Productivity P1AM Industrial Arduino PID Control

Arduino Modbus TCP to C-More Micro EA3

Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Arduino Modbus TCP to C-More Micro EA3

Arduino Modbus TCP to C-More EA9

P1AM Arduino Modbus TCP to C-More EA9

There are several reasons why we are using the Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller. Here are just a few.
– CE and UL certified
– Designed to be MKRZero compatible
– Industrial shields available – Ethernet and general-purpose IO
– 15 Productivity 1000 PLC modules can be added – Customize your system
– Use your Arduino programs in the industrial environment
– Micro USB port – Power the CPU only and programming
– Micro SD card slot
– Programmable toggle switch
– CPU LED light
– Free software – Arduino IDE
– Productivity blocks – Program Development Time Saver

The Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller currently has all of these features built into the P1AM-100 CPU.


mac address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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