Profile not deleted completely, Error

If your user profile removal process was not completed correctly, it could show an error message saying Profile not deleted completely, Error- The directory is not empty. Although it typically appears when you delete a part of a Domain profile, you can find the same on a regular home computer as well. Irrespective of where you got this error, you can fix it within moments.

Profile not deleted completely, Error - The directory is not empty

It is possible to create a profile to allow someone to access your computer and delete it when the job is completed. However, if Windows 10 doesn’t complete the entire process of deleting a profile, you might find this aforementioned error message while removing a specific folder or file.

Profile not deleted completely, Error – The directory is not empty

To fix Profile not deleted completely error-

  1. Delete profile from System Properties
  2. Disable Windows Search service

1] Delete profile from System Properties

If there were some internal conflicts while deleting a profile earlier, there is a chance of getting this error message on your Windows 10 computer. The simplest way to eliminate this issue is by deleting the Account Unknown profile from the System Properties.

Open This PC, right-click on empty space, and select the Properties option. On your right-hand side, you can see an option called Advanced system settings. Click on it.

Click the Settings button under the User Profiles label.

Profile not deleted completely, Error - The directory is not empty

If you can find a user profile named Account Unknown in the list, select it and click the Delete button.

Profile not deleted completely, Error - The directory is not empty

It may take a few moments to complete the process. Once done, click on the OK button to save the change.

Read: How to fix a Corrupted User Profile.

2] Disable Windows Search service

As it provides file indexing, some of the old documents or files from partially removed profiles might be linked. Therefore, turning off the Windows Search service temporarily might fix this issue on your computer. For that, you can use the Services panel, and thus, you do not need third-party software to get it done.

At first, search for “services” in the Taskbar search box, and click on the corresponding result to open the Services panel. After that, find out the Windows Search service and double-click on it.

Profile not deleted completely, Error - The directory is not empty

Click on the Stop button and let it be completed.

Click the OK button to perform the task you wanted to do earlier.

On computer restart, this Service will be restarted automatically.

That’s all!

Read next: The User Profile Service failed the logon, User profile cannot be loaded.

Profile not deleted completely, Error - The directory is not empty

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