20 thoughts on “PROOF that “mousepads” are USELESS

  • People think they are so profound in the comments writing essays about a YouTube short, I am a mousepad reviewer. This video was a joke.

  • I get this is a joke, but dear god, the noise the mouse makes against a desk is like nails to a chalkboard to me D:

  • Its going to eventually damage the wood on the table

  • You'll leave scratches on your desk surface. Sounds like a good idea now but you'll spend a lot more on maintenance..
    Source: personal experience and regret.

  • Umm so I've purchased 1 mousepad in the last 6 years, and over that period I've had 3 different mice. So yeah I'd rather just buy 1 mousepad then buy new mouse skates everytime I switch out my mouse. Hopefully you're sponsored by mouse skates cuz your opinion is clearly wrong.

  • boardzy:Mouse pads suck also boardzy:has a mouse pad in every other yt shirt he has made

  • I use no mousepad bc my desk its really smooth and my mouse have a nice sensor

  • No one's getting the pad for their mouse… It's for us because i can guarantee that fake plastic desk feels like absolute shit

  • The table is gonna be covered in beautiful scratches and marks that will be fully visible

  • what if its humid n ur forarms r sticking n restricting ur hand movement

  • i barely use my mousepad at the moment since im downstairs, but my old mouse the bottom of it ws all scratched up when i didnt use a mouse pad, but that was honestly probably because it was a cheapish mouse and stuff

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