Proxies, Gateways, and Service Mesh. Why Are Words so Confusing? | Abdel Sghiouar (EN)

Can you tell the difference between an API Gateway, the API Gateway, and a Gateway? What are Nginx or HAProxy anyway, are they proxies? controllers? CRD’s? resources?
Sometimes it feels like things are named in a certain way to confuse us on purpose. But don’t worry this talk is made for you, to make things simple, we will go back to square zero. We will look at the history of all of these things, where they came from, and what purpose they serve. We will then fast forward into the Cloud Native modern world and you will not be surprised that nothing is new, we are just reusing stuff people used 10, 15, or 20 years ago.
Back to Basics is the other title I could have given this session. You don’t need to have a long experience, you just need to join me and we will reminisce and look into the future.

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simple network management protocol