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Putty 02 Troubleshooting – Can connect with IP address and not Host Name

See all my tutorials at In this tutorial we will troubleshoot a problem that seems to pop up using Putty. You are able to connect to your Linux server when you use a IP address, but as soon as you replace the IP address with the Host Name of your server, it doesn’t want to connect. This tutorial will show you what you have to do to be able to connect using Host Name.


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

12 thoughts on “Putty 02 Troubleshooting – Can connect with IP address and not Host Name

  • I really love your tutorial, smooth tutorial which I liked most, I've learned a lot, thanks.

  • Linux #vi /etc/hosts
    But is an alias if you put different hostname with the same IP, it works as well.

  • I have a Linux virtual machine that's having this problem. How would I do this in Linux?

  • Nice vid. Glad it still works to this day.

  • Neither my IP address or hostname work for a connection. What do you recommend?

  • I have trouble to log in with my ip address, the error message pop ups: Network error connection refused. Can you please help me on this

  • Im trying to figure out how to make my home computer work as a socks 4 or 5 proxy that I can connect to from anywhere,, password protected preferred but at this point i dont care can you help me? maybe once I watch all your videos ill figure it out.

  • ya, I cannot connect with putty to my server at all 

  • This worked for me…Thank you very much…I was able to ping peer to peer server computer with the IP address but not with the host name. I followed the instruction and it worked perfectly..

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