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Python Django Tutorial for Beginners

Python Django Tutorial for Beginners – Learn Django for a career in back-end development. This Django tutorial teaches you everything you need to get started.
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0:00:00 – Introduction
0:00:58 – Prerequisites
0:01:38 – How to Take this Course
0:02:40 – Getting Started with Django
0:03:19 – What is Django?
0:06:08 – How the Web Works
0:10:32 – Setting Up the Development Environment
0:12:33 – Creating Your First Django Project
0:18:44 – Using the Integrated Terminal in VSCode
0:22:05 – Creating Your First App
0:25:36 – Writing Views
0:27:27 – Mapping URLs to Views
0:32:10 – Using Templates
0:36:19 – Debugging Django Applications in VSCode
0:44:11 – Using Django Debug Toolbar
0:48:37 – Building a Data Model
0:49:21 – Introduction to Date Modeling
0:52:00 – Building an E-Commerce Data Model
0:56:35 – Organizing Models in Apps

#Django #Python

Django is the most popular framework for quickly building production-grade backends with Python. That’s why a lot of companies use it and are looking for developers with Django skills. If you know Python and are looking for a career in backend development, you must have Django on your resume.


by Programming with Mosh

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21 thoughts on “Python Django Tutorial for Beginners

  • debates about frameworks are useFUL. And comparison of ferrari with a truck does not fit here. There are tons of performant frameworks with a ton of features on different languages, more correct comarison of a slow truck with a fast truck

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  • I love your videos, I am stuck on one part: When I add the interpreter path I get this error: An Invalid interpreter is selected, please try changing it to enable features such as IntelliSense, linting, and debugging.

  • This is a great tutorial. Where do you define {workspaceFolder}?

  • I am getting a bit frustrated by this tutorial. In the templates section you have to change the line in settings from "'DIRS': [']" to 'DIRS': ['templates'] to make it work.
    I don't mind debugging and finding answers on stack overflow. But when I am doing a beginners tutorial, I expects not to go around looking at forums to debug the tutorial.

  • I am stuck at "mapping URLs to views". I get a 404 error:
    "GET /playground/hello HTTP1.1 404 2127

    I followed the tutorial, three times, but same result. Is this a mac/windows thing? Should I go find a tutorial where the presenter is using windows?

  • In case anybody else is confused:
    the bin folder is now called Scripts, at least in the current version of python/vscode

  • please does any one here knows how i can type a period(to tell django to use my current directory as the project directory ) on mac please

  • ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'c:\python311\lib\site-packages\_distutils_hack\'

    Consider using the `–user` option or check the permissions.

  • I purchased the course and wow it is extremely comprehensive, and engaging! not boring at all and I feel like there is not a wasted moment. it is not like college lectures where i want to fall asleep. each video is bite size and i actually look forward to each one, super fun

  • – [00:02]( 🎯 This tutorial covers all Django fundamentals. Django is used for developing production-grade back-ends for web and mobile apps.
    – [01:02]( 📝 To follow the tutorial, you need to have a solid understanding of Python basics, object-oriented programming (OOP), and the basics of relational databases.
    – [01:46]( 🔁 The tutor recommends watching the entire course from beginning to end and taking notes to enhance your learning experience.
    – [03:32]( 🌟 Django is popular because it allows developers to build websites in less time with fewer lines of code, which companies like YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, and Dropbox value.
    – [06:23]( 🌐 Websites consist of two parts: a front-end and a back-end. Django falls under the category of server-side tools for building back-ends.
    – [10:40]( ⚙️ Before you start coding with Django, you should upgrade Python to its latest version and install Virtual Environment Manager (pipenv).
    – [15:10]( 🏗️ Django admin utility allows you to start a new project. The tutorial shows how to install Django in a virtual environment and set up a Django project.
    – [16:47]( 💼 acts as a wrapper around Django admin utility and takes the settings associated with the project into account.
    – [22:21]( 📱 Django projects are collections of apps, each providing specific functionality. A Django project includes default apps such as admin, auth, content types, and static files.

  • 23:46 The dev env is not running. You did CTRL+C and stopped a few minutes ago. Or maybe my VS does not activate it.

  • Good stuff man, thanks! Here's a breakdown (above) of all the highlights for intermediates who may skip a step or two. Done via AI / OpenAI API. It'll be three c.p's, GPT can't handle a text this large, and I don't have Claude's API yet, dammit.

  • I have checked your website Mosh! Good courses you have there..

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