python shell ubuntu

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python shell, also known as python interpreter, is a powerful tool that allows users to interactively execute python code and explore python features. in ubuntu, the python shell is readily available once you have python installed on your system. this tutorial aims to provide an introduction to using python shell in ubuntu, along with code examples to demonstrate its functionalities.
before starting this tutorial, ensure that you have the following:
to start the python shell in ubuntu, follow these steps:
open the terminal by pressing ctrl + alt + t or by searching for “terminal” in the applications menu.
once the terminal is open, type python or python3 and press enter. this command launches the python interpreter and presents you with a prompt (typically ).
now, you are inside the python shell, where you can type python code interactively and execute it immediately.
let’s explore some basic operations and functionalities you can perform in the python shell:
you can perform basic arithmetic operations using python shell:
you can assign values to variables and perform operations with them:
you can use the print() function to display output:
you can import python modules and use their functionalities:
to exit the python shell, you can type exit() or press ctrl + d:
in this tutorial, you learned how to use python shell in ubuntu to execute python code interactively. you explored basic operations such as arithmetic operations, variable assignment, printing output, and importing modules. python shell is a great tool for experimenting with python code, testing snippets, and exploring python features in an interactive manner.

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