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Python WEB SCRAPING in 30 Seconds! 🔥👨‍💻 #shorts

Get HTML or JSON of any webpage easily and process it with python!

#python #python3 #pythontutorial #pythonindia #pythonwebscraping #datascience #pythondatascience #jupyternotebook #webscraping #webscraper

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by truthybyte

linux web server

37 thoughts on “Python WEB SCRAPING in 30 Seconds! 🔥👨‍💻 #shorts

  • Can you get the css styling for the page too with this method?

  • Foreal. Web Scraping just isn't hard and can be one of the most useful tools for any project.

  • Need help understanding how I can capture data from an online site that doesnt store results ….

  • Hello can I please send me a good program for Jarvis

  • How do i change it to do certain stuff off the page instead of everything

  • This is helpfull thanks for posting

  • No headers 😮😮
    Print status code ,to check if you have hit the page correctly or not

  • Thank you. I can not get html file from a .jsp web site. How can I do that.

  • this isnt really web scrapping, you just get html, next step would be to use a virtual dom and add the html from the response to get the data you actually want

  • don't import requests as re. There is a package called re (regex)

  • 🤔 🤔 🤔 Why not import as `r`? What happens to the namespace when you `import re` or `import regex as re`?

  • what if, the website want to check if it's not, a bot?
    will it need to be re-run or it will just pause a sec, then continue to run?

  • What if the website has many pages please advise me

  • A someone trying to learn python, shorts like these are absolutely amazing! Thank you!

  • You imported it as re you monster

  • Bro, after some time, requests face captcha

  • I Need That Text Animation What Is It

  • Why import requests as re? What if you need to use the regex module?

  • Great tutorial! But as mentioned don't import it as another built in library!

  • How can I transfer these HTML format results into a readable table format?

  • Why did you import requets as re wich is a built in library.

  • I am so glad you posted this. I didn't want to use a pip install and you rocked it there. I thought I needed a lot, this was very useful and I am definitely gonna give props to you for this.

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