Quick Start Guide – Setup An Apache/PHP Web Server on Linux in Under 5 Minutes
#WebServer #XAMPP #Linux #QuickGuide
Full steps can be found at https://i12bretro.github.io/tutorials/0304.html
01. Log into the Linux device
02. Run the following commands in a terminal windows:
# download the xampp install script
wget -O xampp.run https://www.apachefriends.org/xampp-files/7.4.15/xampp-linux-x64-7.4.15-0-installer.run
# make the .run script executable
sudo chmod 755 ./xampp.run
# run the install script
sudo ./xampp.run
03. At the XAMPP Developer Files prompt type N and press Enter
04. Type Y and press Enter to approve the selection
05. Press Enter to begin the install
06. Type Y and press Enter to continue
07. Once the installation completes, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost
08. Welcome to your fully functional LAMP server in under 5 minutes
by i12b retro
linux web server