Racist Cop Accidentally Pulls Over Black Police Captain, Then This Happens.

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24 thoughts on “Racist Cop Accidentally Pulls Over Black Police Captain, Then This Happens.

  • This was so awesome, great job, i think im about to sub.

  • There are 5 different types of cops. The good cop, the bad cop, the dirty cop, the bully and the tyrant.

  • I'd fire them both. One for being a racist lawbreaker, the other for sleeping in his uniform.

  • Good cops 👮 and bad cops. They’re making a big difference. 😊 Good cops 👮, Thank you for serving.

  • OH! l Would haved him Fired! If he had TREATED Me that Way! And Would Maked Sure That he Would NEVER Work as a Policed Offtcer Again that,s Any Other States in America!!

  • This little scenario was so far removed from reality as to be laughable. I'd like to believe in the basic goodness of the one cop in this situation but the evidence of my eyes and the experiences of my life tell me something very, very different would have happened here.

  • These situations same in different cultures religions countries . The chiefs support the cops for unlawful and unconstitutional activities .

  • Police should be careful thr duty..! Being a police officer do your job better to serve and protect civilian. Police officer should not stop and pull over vehicle without any violation.! ☠️🇵🇭⚔️

  • Great video, but im oretty sure the roles of those two cops would be reversed now.

  • There are good looking black honeys like her and there are the ones I see in South Phoenix……..

  • I've met very, very few "good" cops in my time. The bad ones don't even quality as human beings.

  • Thanks for this, hopefully this will make an impact and make people think about how their attitudes and actions affect others (both police and ordinary citizens).
    Respect and humility makes a person great.

  • Some whites has tried to flip the situation,by trying to say we are talking about all police .. which they know we are only talking about the bad racist ones Only. They always love to twist things around no matter what .

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