radio frequency radiating an entire neighborhood from multiple IP address routers
watches neighbors and I are radiated with high radio frequency from the UMTS system plus all of the normal systems such as the 4G lite and new 5G Network this system must be shut down or regulated properly we must demand the proper education and use of this new technology with the sensor technology and being able to transmit radio frequency from device to device this is when looking at this situation in its totality. this is breach and security measure that should be taken serious worldwide this is not paranoia nor is this schizophrenia by any means this is attempt to alert the public that our lives are at stake by rouge groups that may in fact work in the government but it is not our entire government’s I truly believe it is a point to disrupt our governments by making the blame be on the government system entirely and not their rouge behavior please keep in mind that there is always a good and bad and a lesser evil we must systematically take the approach to chop each tree down with an ax whack by whack level by level to truly get Justice
ip address