RAM Disk | Ubuntu | 110 GB Drive | Chia | Plotting | Madmax | Temp Drive | Easy | Quick

In this Video we are going to Create a RAM Disk in Ubuntu and we are going to use for chia plotting.
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First make a directory which can be anywhere in the file system such as
1.sudo mkdir /tmp/ramdisk
The tmpfs filesystem is a RAMDISK. The following will create a 120G RAMDISK that will always be available.
2.sudo mkdir -p /media/ramdisk
3.sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=110G tmpfs /media/ramdisk

The ramdisk folder is owned by root as it is to be available on reboot. The ramdisk permissions should be writeable by everyone. The tmpfs default permissions (chmod 1777) are correct.

4.sudo chmod 1777 /media/ramdisk

To make the ramdisk permanently available, add it to /etc/fstab.
5.grep /media/ramdisk /etc/mtab | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

You will see the line moved from mtab to fstab. It will look something like this.
tmpfs /media/ramdisk tmpfs rw,size=110G 0 0

# Check the existing ramdisk size.
df /media/ramdisk
# change size=110G for a 110 Gibabyte ram drive.
sudo vi /etc/fstab
# Remount the ramdisk, you will lose any existing content.
sudo mount -a /media/ramdisk
# Verify the new ramdisk size.
df /media/ramdisk



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