RAM Usage on Windows compared to Linux

In this Video, We can clearly see the difference between the RAM usage of windows 11 and the Linux Operating system.

#linux #windows #windows11 #ram #windowsvslinux #RAMusage


by CodeInc

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20 thoughts on “RAM Usage on Windows compared to Linux

  • Windows ram management doesn't work same as Linux. It's like comparing apples to oranges.

  • Stupid comparison as it does not have many of windows features

  • Watching on Windows XP😂😂

  • Bro just use Ghost Spectre Superlite

  • it all depends on the distro, im using the newest ubuntu mantic manticore and it uses 2.7 gb ram, linux lite is still ubuntu but optimized to be lightweight and a linux distro can be way lighter depending on how far you want to go down the linux rabbit hole

  • Vanilla xfce debian even uses about 400M which is even better. And you can trim it down so it gets to about 200M with a desktop… This is pretty nice. And yes, there are distros, who are even more lightweight

  • Bruh 500 mb is too much load for linux, even my windows 10 takes only 1.5GB of RAM when idle..

  • Okay. Memory is supposed to be used. That's what it's there for. So if people complain about memory usage, go live 40 years ago instead.

    It's better to take Windows 11 vs A GNU/Linux distro with GNOME 44 and show the resource usage differences and the time it takes to open the same kind of applications with a side by side comparison.

    GIMP, OPEN OFFICE, KDEN LIVE, BLENDER, DISCORD, SPOTIFY, FIREFOX and other browsers, VISUAL STUDIO CODE, and other applications that actually work with both systems and also look at the resource usage. There's bound to be a difference somewhere in there.

  • Btw i use arch + dwm its took 250 mb lmao 😅😅

  • If your computer doesn't have more than 4gb memory in 2023 than maybe you deserve a Linux box… And that's not a complement. My phone from 3 years ago has more than 4gb of ram. Silly video.

  • That because a services and another feature blootware from windows 😅

  • Just give me windows, no bodies got time for Linux

  • Yeah it's all fun and games until you start installing applications and then windows takes the lead, eco system wise, windows takes the lead when it comes to the Linux v windows race

  • my arch linux with full desktop environment uses 365 mb (with browser about 680 mb)

  • When i used windows i never surpassed 500mbs in idle with no programs (even with school bloatware)

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