Raspberry Pi Connect – Ham Nuggets Season 5 Episode 27 S05E27
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by Temporarily Offline Ham Radio
linux foundation
We road trip ours all the time so I certainly don't think it an odd choice to take a Tesla on a Yellowstone road trip. Wife kinda wants to get rid of our TT and just use the Tesla + cabins when we go out west (she really enjoyed this years spring break trip to Moab sans trailer)
There are strategies you can use to minimize time spent charging on a road trip, but given its your first trip its best to stick to letting the car tell you where and how long to charge. It will take a bit longer, but you know you'll be able to make it.
To make this radio related, I have no idea how a Tesla would perform for mobile HF. I've driven round with the 705 and a rubber ducky and didn't notice any real change in noise while driving so maybe it would do fine, though I have no plans to mount an antenna on mine.
While stationary they make excellent POTA shelters. All my winter activations have been done sitting in the cabin with the heat on and the cable running out a window.
TO waa in the nuclear reactor to get super powers but all he got was extreme height and the gift of gab 😛
Netbird, tailscale, or zero tier will let you connect directly to the pi without port forwarding.
That went super smooth ! almost didnt feel like a nuggets episode ;P It was also cool to hear a bit about you and Jim's backgrounds.
Had to watch later. internet was out due to weather. More storms in Boston,NY . Them 2 toronadios in NY that made national news. both were EF 2 and the Eden one was 1 mile from me whear a house list roof. and nothing hear but grid down and trees blocking road. Dealing with super Humindy . Dew point 75/77F . steam bath outside. great show. The Tesla model 3 is the car that broke the record at Pikes Peek race to the top. And it's on youtube . We got EV charging ports in NY and a FREE one buy me. They all do not have the same plug so carry adapters. I have a EV scooter and it has IEC charge port like a PC. 100 to 300V 47 to 63 HZ right on it. I have adapter to use a car charging station . same with my 48V EZ go golf cart with on board charger . Eco Flow has a powerstation that can charge from a EV charging station . A lot of hotels have a charging port now or just use a adapter to normal outlet. will work but slow. 73