13 thoughts on “Raspberry Pi Pico W Web Server #diyelectronics #tech #computerscience #raspberrypi

  • Currently, you can do anything with a Pi except buy one

  • use C instead of micropython, if you can code just a little bit, it wouldn't be any problem for you. C is 20x faster.

  • That's neat, but if you really want performance and speed in your embedded programs, you should use a language that gets compiled/assembled directly into binary instructions like C or assembly. Micropython is like training wheels. It's great to get your feet wet, but I wouldn't for anything serious, since it's JIT compiled, meaning, the code is interpreted in real time as the code is being exec'd this takes up CPU cycles which is like the most important commodity in embedded programming.

  • People can forget about raspberry, they're not available or for crazy prices…
    Just use a 5$ esp32, it can do most of what people would do with the raspberry board.

  • Could you please tell us, what library you used for making the webserver?

  • Mine broke lol I think it burnt out

  • Make sure to add an http response else it's not gonna work in python libraries such as requests.

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