Red Hat: Celebrating 20 years of open
Red Hat has made its business by being open since day one. From an inspired idea to a billion-dollar company, we’re where we are because of the community. Innovation through sharing knowledge and working together has blazed a trail that the proprietary model just can’t match. Thank you for 20 years of openness.
by Red Hat
redhat openstack
Awesome video. Thanks for sticking around guys!
If you wanted something, you built it. If you wanted something really special, you shared it.
Congrates, Red Hat is the ideal company..they believe on Open and sharing.
happy birthday…. 🙂
As standard tools coming with the operating system-which does? As an environment – you couldn't be more wrong. It's a well know fact that even Steve "A-hole" Jobs' animation company Pixar uses exactly redhat. Google it if you are skeptical.
Look 🙂 muktware com/5536/pixar-animation-studios-uses-red-hat-enterprise-linux
It's very simple, no one is forced to collaborate with Red Hat/Fedora.
The Open Source tools are there for anyone who want to use theme. Either to earn money or to create a communitary project.
From where I live volunteers don't earn money but also the enterprises that works with volunteering are also nonprofit organizations.
Yes I know CentOS and Scientific, but which part of Red Hat is done by the comunity as free software and what part is done by the enterprise programmers? Shure it's easy to replace that "Open Source" parts by free ones, if Scientific and CentOS are distros on itself that means that there are no mere copies of what Red Hat done.
You are a demagogue. I don't know where do you live, but where I live the most of volunteers don't earn money, in any profession.
Finally, what part of the code doesn't let to use Red Hat? Do you know CentOS and Scientific? Do you know that those distributions are compatible with Red Hat enterprise?
Are you sure? Do you know Blender?
I don't know what has been made that video, but is possible make this with Linux.
the kernel linux born in 19/20/21 august of 1991 aproximatly. I know because I born 20 of august of 1991 😀
The lie of the Open Source on itself. If they think they're a community, and they do not let you to use some parts of their code, only look at it, and they do not share the economic profits of the work with the community, what's the community earns?
Isn't it actually 21 years? I thought Linux's birthday was last year in September ?
sad fact : this video cannot be made with redhat.