Redhat 8 2 Minimal on Azure Market

Deploy a secure, reliable, and flexible foundation for your enterprise hybrid cloud
Redhat 8.2 Minimal
Red Hat 8.2 is the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform built to meet the needs of today’s modern enterprise. It is a reliable and secure platform designed for customers who want deployment flexibility for their business-critical workloads – from the data center to the Azure cloud.

This is the foundation from which you can scale existing apps and roll out emerging technologies, across bare-metal, virtual, container, and all types of cloud environments.

This Red Hat 8.2 Minimal release will substantially reduce the chance of the system being affected by a vulnerability. The solution will install the minimum of packages you will use because each piece of software on your computer could possibly contain a vulnerability.

Features of minimal images make them perfect for trying out applications you want to run with Red Hat while carrying the smallest possible amount of overhead.

Red Hat 8.2 Benefits:

Combat intrusions and control compliance
Administrators can set up algorithmic criteria using system-wide security policies so apps automatically use the appropriate cryptographic package.

Conquer complexity with integrated management
Built-in management components include a user-friendly web console and application streams, which lets you offer multiple app versions to multiple users.

Deploy containers on their native OS
Build, manage, and share containers using open source tools that let you tailor systems alongside other Open Container Initiative standards-compatible tools.

Subscribe to this intelligent operating system that is the consistent foundation for the enterprise hybrid cloud – providing the tools needed to deliver services and workloads faster with less effort.

Server to install: https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/tidalmediainc.redhat-8-2-minimal?tab=Overview

Another servers for you:
Bugzilla – Manage Software Development on CentOS – https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/tidalmediainc.bugzilla-manage-software-centos?tab=Overview

DNS Server (IaaS) on Linux CentOS 7.8 – https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/tidalmediainc.dns-server-linux-centos-7-8?tab=Overview

WebIssues Team Collaboration Tool on Windows 2016 – https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/tidalmediainc.webissues-server-2016?tab=Overview

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by Tidal Media

linux foundation

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