RedHat Becomes Closed Source (Who Didn't See This Coming?)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux has decided to no longer make its source code publicly available. That’s right…RHEL will become closed source. What does this mean? Should you care?
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by DistroTube
redhat openstack
U forget about open suse/suse linux
Well acordingly to GPL they have right to do so. Free as in free speech, not free beer.
I would blame the copy pasta distros for this instead.
I was trying out Fedora when all this came out and it was a contributing factor in hitting delete in the old partition manager.
project symphony or is it win13 – microsoft can now start to reduce costs and get rid of their faithful programmers opps did I say that outloud nevermind we had fun while it lasted, back to UNIX guys hahaha
For servers, Debian is the onle valid choice for me.
Well coming from decades long debian history, i switched to Rocky as Desktop .. and in fact, it is a very pleasing experience… before debian i used redhat, so its nothing new to me .. yes some packages are not cutting edge, but .. and its probably boring, because you .. well .. install and configure it once .. and use it for years … but it works without any problem at all… and thats the point of using such a distro as workstation.. you should probably give it a try.. and recommend it for users .. who want a stable (years) desktop
yea, go to sleep bro
Has fedora shut the doors to that distros source code as well? If not, one method to get around the RHEL src lockout, is take the src packages from the fedora version that the new version of RHEL is based off from. And then use the most recent patched versions of it. RHEL usually bases their current release off 3 to 4 fedora versions back…
Holy crap! I hadn’t thought about that but your right! Microsoft uses the base linux os commands from Ubuntu’s base install. And i think they also provide the linux sub kernel for the microsoft linux sub-kernel
Fedora is what red hat themselves runs as a desktop os internally, this is a good thing as it makes more linux users work on debian/ubuntu as the default linux distro
What, you don't like openly locked source?
You cannot just take the GPL-licensed code and close it from being redistributed. GPL license doesn't work like that
i like how you giggled about arch cause i use it for gaming
i switched from win 11 pro to garuda os a few moths ago, i get same performance in AAA games so lmao, this is de wei, use steam and enable steamplay and use proton ge by default, ang game with stutters or performance drops use proton 8+, everything just works lmao, it uses fish by default so its really noob friendly
I have heard of Redhat but never installed it, why bother. I used to work on UNIX and so have been involved in OS for years, but I am primarily a programmer.
I have switched to Debian 12. Bye bye corporate owned distros.
I work on RHEL and Solaris servers for work, and this has zero effect on me because neither me nor anyone I know runs red hat on there personal systems
Are they planning on renaming it MAGA?
Even if this were true, which it isn't as far as I see it, and even if the OSI has hopelessly confused such matters by branding their version of Free Software "Open Source", there is nothing in the nature of Software Freedom that requires RedHat to use an Open Source Development Model and nothing in the nature of Open Source Development Models that requires RedHat to make their products and/or their source code universally available for nothing. The reaction of the FOSS shows how few people understand what FOSS means, beyond appeals to a loosely defined spirit of FOSS; appeals to which mean little more than the person making the appeal disapproves.