Restrict Access to Kubernetes API
Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) is a performance-based certification exam that tests candidates’ knowledge of Kubernetes and cloud security in a simulated, real world environment. In this video I will cover Domain 2 “Cluster Hardening”and include following sub-topics:-
– Explaining authentication, authorization and admission controls
– Configuring a normal user in Kubernetes Cluster
– Authorizing the user through RBAC
– Configuring admission control plugins (NodeRestriction)
– Implementing restriction on Kubernetes API access
I am sure that this video will serve it’s purpose and guide you in acing CKS exam
#cncf #coding #kubernetes #devops #education #devsecops #linuxfoundation #devsecopscertification #cks #cka #cloud #cloudsecurity #authorization #authentication #admission
by Cyber Secure
linux foundation