(REVIEW) Emulate Windows Server 2016 Build 9785 on Android phones with Limbo PC Emulator

(REVIEW) Emulate Windows Server 2016 Build 9785 on Android phones with Limbo PC Emulator
Windows Vista – Windows 11:
Architecture: x64 or x86
Machine Type: pc
CPU Model: qemu64 or n270
CPU Core: 8 RAM Memory: 8192MB
Enable MTTCG

Video display: vmware or std
Audio card: All
Network: User
Network Card: rtl8139
High Priority
Params: -tb-size 10536 -smp 8,cores=8,sockets=1,threads=1 -m 10536
Windows Server 2003 – Windows Server 2025: Architecture: x64
Machine Type: pc
CPU Model: qemu64
CPU Core: 8
RAM Memory: 8192MB
Enable MTTCG

Video display: vmware or std
Audio card: All
Network: User
Network Card: rtl8139
Requirements: High Priority
Params: -tb-size 10536 -smp 8,cores=8,sockets=1,threads=1 -m 10536
Windows 95 – Windows XP:
Architecture: x86
Machine Type: pc
CPU Model: n270
CPU Core: 8
RAM Memory: 3083MB

Video display: std
Audio card: All
Network: User
Network Card: rtl8139
Requirements: High Priority
⚠️Attention: YouTube removed this video of mine, be careful and follow the community guidelines ⚠️
BIOS Date: 06/29/2014 (TURN OFF INTERNET)

Params: -rtc base=2014-06-29 -tb-size 10536 -smp 8,cores=8,sockets=1,threads=1 -m 10536

This can be work on Limbo PC Emulator by zeli only

Password: winser12!
⚠️ Warnings:
– Does not work from weak devices
– If you change 2024 date will cause an expired and fails to start
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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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