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RevolutionPi – der etwas andere Raspberry Pi | haus-automatisierung.com [4K]

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RevPi Flat Übersicht

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• Raspberry Pi 4
→ Reichelt: https://haus-auto.com/p/rei/RaspberryPi4 **
→ Amazon: https://haus-auto.com/p/amz/RaspberryPi4 **
→ Conrad: https://haus-auto.com/p/con/RaspberryPi4 **

• Raspberry Pi Gehäuse
→ Reichelt: https://haus-auto.com/p/rei/RaspberryPi4Case **
→ Amazon: https://haus-auto.com/p/amz/RaspberryPi4Case **
→ Conrad: https://haus-auto.com/p/con/RaspberryPi4Case **

• Raspberry Pi Netzteil
→ Reichelt: https://haus-auto.com/p/rei/RaspberryPi4Netzteil **
→ Amazon: https://haus-auto.com/p/amz/RaspberryPi4Netzteil **
→ Conrad: https://haus-auto.com/p/con/RaspberryPi4Netzteil **

• Micro SD-Karte
→ Reichelt: https://haus-auto.com/p/rei/MicroSD **
→ Amazon: https://haus-auto.com/p/amz/MicroSD **
→ Conrad: https://haus-auto.com/p/con/MicroSD **

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by haus-automatisierung.com

linux dhcp server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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