4 thoughts on “Rhino Linux | Rolling Release Ubuntu ?!?”
I like the speed you show at the top right corner which gives a real sense of how fast the system is running.
interesting distro its a shame its so unpolished
Hello there! Alex here! Thanks again so much for these videos man! I really really appreciate it. I firstly encountered the whole Rolling Ubuntu idea on Twitter by Martin Wimpress, who was then an Ubuntu dev if i'm not wrong. I started watching his videos on Youtube, and his first attempts to create a tool (later known as Rolling Rhino) and make Ubuntu roll. Then Rhino Linux took form, and to be honest it wasn't a pleasant experience, it was full of bugs, crashes and despair 😛 And then suddenly the team paused the whole development of the distro cause of a burnout if i understand it well. But they came back a couple of months ago and the distro is on development again. I think that Ubuntu itself should change their release scheme, and create 3 isos, one server iso, one LTS and one should be rolling. So the idea behind Rhino is excellent, but it needs some love and attention, and of course more maintainers, cause its a project that now is taking its fully form. I agree with you about their desktop, It's like a glossy frankenstein thing, i would also prefer more choices, maybe an online installer like CachyOS does things, and then let the user ''build'' and tailor things through the installation. If i may suggest some more distro's, it would be nice to see videos about Artix but the S6 version, there aren't many videos around about it and it needs some attention. Also one more project that draw my attention is openSUSE Aeon. Thanks again and keep the good work up man!
I like the speed you show at the top right corner which gives a real sense of how fast the system is running.
interesting distro
its a shame its so unpolished
Hello there! Alex here! Thanks again so much for these videos man! I really really appreciate it. I firstly encountered the whole Rolling Ubuntu idea on Twitter by Martin Wimpress, who was then an Ubuntu dev if i'm not wrong. I started watching his videos on Youtube, and his first attempts to create a tool (later known as Rolling Rhino) and make Ubuntu roll. Then Rhino Linux took form, and to be honest it wasn't a pleasant experience, it was full of bugs, crashes and despair 😛 And then suddenly the team paused the whole development of the distro cause of a burnout if i understand it well. But they came back a couple of months ago and the distro is on development again. I think that Ubuntu itself should change their release scheme, and create 3 isos, one server iso, one LTS and one should be rolling. So the idea behind Rhino is excellent, but it needs some love and attention, and of course more maintainers, cause its a project that now is taking its fully form. I agree with you about their desktop, It's like a glossy frankenstein thing, i would also prefer more choices, maybe an online installer like CachyOS does things, and then let the user ''build'' and tailor things through the installation. If i may suggest some more distro's, it would be nice to see videos about Artix but the S6 version, there aren't many videos around about it and it needs some attention. Also one more project that draw my attention is openSUSE Aeon. Thanks again and keep the good work up man!
First Whoot!
Interesting. Thank you for covering this.