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Robert Pepper, Cisco – Should students be able to use cell phones in school?

As part of the ITU Telecom World 11 Metaconference, #world11kids, some of our 10,000 young participants asked industry experts questions that were raised from the panel discussions.

Here, Robert Pepper, VP at Cisco, answers the students’ most pressing question: should all students be allowed to use their cell phones in school “as a right”?


cisco academie

3 thoughts on “Robert Pepper, Cisco – Should students be able to use cell phones in school?

  • May I link to your video for a grant project for Texas A&M University? I will gladly cite it however you desire.

  • If a student ever pulls out a phone to access broadband "in conjunction" with my lecture they will be able to access the content which I'm speaking on in detention.

  • This is exactly what Ive been looking for (for my project.)

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