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Rory McIlroy's Powerful Driver Swing | TaylorMade Golf

Rory McIlroy lets it rip off the tee with the all-new SIM driver from TaylorMade Golf in super slow motion. Subscribe to our channel for more exclusive videos from Team TaylorMade athletes.

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

38 thoughts on “Rory McIlroy's Powerful Driver Swing | TaylorMade Golf

  • I absolutely admire Rory mcilroy's swing. That's what I see when I imagine a golf swing.

  • How he manages to get his head that still is incredible. Doesn't move an inch.😮

  • Never been the biggest Rory fan but his swing is probably the best and smoothest. I have watched this video on repeat trying to replicate that swing 😂

  • Can someone tell me when Rory shallows the club ? I was watching in slow-mo and he is so smooth that I can't see it.

  • wait a minute,why does the left golf t does not go flying but the other does?

  • 2 different swings though. One tee is flying the other one is not.

  • It looks simple because it is. It's just simplicity done to utter perfection. Every. Single. Time.

  • My favorite golf swing to see in slow motion. Just the balance, technique, the weight transfer and how fluid he is with his hips and wrists. He gets everything out of his 5 foot 9 frame to drill those golf balls.

  • Such an athletic swing, he maximises his build and has a powerful hip rotation and extension through the ball, couple that with expert lag and swing speed and Rory is one of the best golfers to swing a golf club. 👌

  • I think they say there is no such thing as the same swing, each one varies.

    @TaylorMade has captured two different angles but also these are two DIFFERENT swings. In the left panel of the video the tee remains in the ground and on the right the tee is ejected. It would have been nice to see both angles of ONE swing. Just two cents!

  • so your belly button should always leed the hands? I belive my failure to do this is causing me to slice and push balls to the right by my club face not squaring due to my hands flipping thru

  • Guys, all we have to do is just do what he does in this video and we’re all set. It’s that easy 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣

  • I'm most impressed by his flexibility. At the apex of his backswing, his chest is pointing more towards the sky than the ground and his head is still locked on that ball, and that lead arm is really close to the chest… it's awesome.

  • Put this on 0.25 playback speed and watch everything closely. Best driver of the golf ball by far.

  • Not really important, but the split screen shows two separate swings. Focus on the tee peg.

  • I did exactly this at the range today and it didn't work. Fake video. Lol. 😉

  • How come in the right the tee went flying while the left didn't?

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