RPL: the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks | RFC 6550 | RPL | RPL Tutorial
In this video, an overview of RPL routing protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) is given.
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This video is part of a work-in-progress MOOC on IoT Communications and Networks: https://www.coursera.org/learn/iot-communications-networks
It was supported by the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future:
This video is part of a much longer series of Tutorial Videos on “IoT Communications and Networks”:
To learn more about Communications and Networks (COMNET) protocols, subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/gzpapadopoulos
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Thank's Sir It was very helpful, So what I understand the DAO used to build routing table, what is the information contain in routing table? and wht is the mechanisme use to discover a neighbor example D how it know that C and E is neighbor, I hope you can upload another vidéo about trickel-timer.
In this example how will node E communicate with node C ? I mean are the edges bidirectional
Good presentaion! Thank you !
If i put my own device on the network and configure it with small number rank. My device take the role of DODAG and the topology of the network will change ?
Good presentation Géorgios. thank you so much.
Excellent Explanation
I wish those videos were uploaded when i started learning about RPL. It would be much easier for me. Good job!
Thanks Sir, well explained !