S36E8 – The Power of AND – How Replacing Your ”ORS” with ”AND” Creates More Expansion in Your Lif…
In this HCI Podcast episode, Dr. Jonathan H. Westover (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathanhwestover/) talks with Becca Powers about the power of AND – how replacing your “ors” with “and” creates more expansion in your life. See the video here: https://youtu.be/08XCmFKow94.
Becca Powers (https://www.linkedin.com/in/beccapowers1313/ (https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.linkedin.com/in/beccapowers1313/&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw3PuFgFYj7b0zaBG-Ejgrr6) ) is an award-winning hi-tech sales executive and motivational speaker. With over 20 years of experience, her career boasts Fortune 500 giants such as Dell and Cisco. From growing up with musician parents who flirted with addiction, to dropping out of college and becoming a single parent of two by the age of 28, Becca’s guts-and-grit journey to success reaches beyond business. As a motivational speaker, she empowers women to prioritize themselves for a more fulfilling, joyful life.
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Check out the LinkedIn Alchemizing Human Capital (https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/alchemizing-human-capital-6884351526333227008/) Newsletter.
Check out Dr. Westover’s book, The Future Leader (https://www.amazon.com/Future-Leader-Transforming-Organizations-Remarkable-ebook/dp/B09WTK4PF8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=CQ0IRR79MNZ2&keywords=the+future+leader+westover&qid=1648742278&s=books&sprefix=the+future+leader+westover%2Cstripbooks%2C119&sr=1-1) .
Check out Dr. Westover’s book, ‘Bluer than Indigo’ Leadership (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B099C8S8H6) .
Check out Dr. Westover’s book, The Alchemy of Truly Remarkable Leadership (https://www.amazon.com/Alchemy-Truly-Remarkable-Leadership-Extraordinary/dp/B08NWWKDX7/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1606093645&sr=8-1) .
Check out the latest issue of the Human Capital Leadership magazine (https://www.innovativehumancapital.com/hci-magazine) .
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