Samba – share folders from Ubuntu to Windows and mobile
Let’s install samba on Ubuntu 20.04, So we can share files over our network with Windows 10, mac or iOS
Link to the Samba wiki:
You're a lifesaver bro!!!!
Command not found error!!
"In sudo smbpassword -a sambauser "
What should i do.. ??
Plzz tell me
All I get is time out errors 🙁
Excellent!!!! Thanks!!!
Caraca, irmão… Passei o dia inteiro me batendo com essa bagaça, e em 8 minutos tu fez o que eu precisava… Obrigado! ✌️
chmod 777 shared_folder gives me a message "cannot access, no such file or directory. Is this because im trying to share a folder on an external drive?
Its works on web or only for local network??
Very great and very nice. That is really what I want, thank your sharing.
why is not working in ubuntu server 22.04?
not open in windows 10 "windows cannot access "?
I have a ubuntu server 18.04 , file sharing is already enabled , but everyone can see others file kept in central server i want to make a centralised share folder where students can save their file in server with id password. Is this possible , pls suggest Thank you
Hey man you made my day. You deserve my subscription for helping to show me setting up SAMBA server. Cheers
Thank you! It worked perfectly!
gedit-spell-language not supported
fffffffffffffffffffff what the hell!?!!!
thanks for this.
hello. ubuntu 18/20: testparm gives "max connections = 0" value but I set the max connections in the smb.conf for 5. I cannot connect because I get error message that I exceeded the allowable connections. I cannot change this max connection value given by testparm no matter what I do with smb.conf. On slackware this is not issue only on ubuntu.what can be problem? thanks
Hi, I followed the steps.. It didn't work for me. Even then I took the steps to add a user and windows did ask me for login credentials, but it still did not work. At both times I got the following error message, "Windows cannot acces \192.168.x.xguest"
Hii can you help eme out I can see the folder but cant access it, I want to share my storage hard drive that is mounted
I've been able to share a folder on the home directory with no problems. I got an additional hard drive and did all the steps 1 to 1 to share a folder on the new drive but my windows machine can't access that folder. I'm really not sure what the problem is. By the way, the original folder I shared is still accessible from my windows machine, it's just the new folder that isn't
Thank you for this very helpful tutorial!
thanks, man!
worked perfectly! thank you!
Worked perfectly!
Where is link of that website ?
Thank a lot👍👍
Hey man, my friends and I tried to config this for 3 hours and you just save our lives. Thanks! 😀
do we have to install the samba in windows? it says windows cannot access the ip i wrote
Very useful. Thank you.