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Samsung Galaxy S3 4G LTE Speed Test vs 3G

4G LTE Speed Test vs 3G Samsung Galaxy S3 Demo at Orange / T Mobile Everything Everywhere event. Network speeds in the UK — YouTube video, web browsing, benchmark speed tests.

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31 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy S3 4G LTE Speed Test vs 3G

  • I get about 6-7 Mbps on my iPhone 5 on 3G. It's okey but it's never constant.

  • I get about 6-7 Mbps here. It's okay buy it's never all that constant.

  • @Mackpwner4 Correct but lte cat 4 supports lte advance which those chips only support 150 max and nobody using true 4g the true 4g by standards you can look it up are lte advance and wimax 2

  • @Mackpwner4 There are many types of lte,basic lte which is what version,AT&T,sprint uses which only 100/50 lte advance an advance rev 12 are the true 4g with wimax 2

  • I like how loading a web browser is only .1 seconds faster than 3G. LOL

  • I don't care about 4g. Just brings faster battery consumption and higher price with it. 3g is really fast too, here in Finland the coverage is quite good too. Can easily get 5-15 megs out of it.

  • It's funny, 4g is even faster than my countrys' national internet service provider lol
    (On average atleast, in cities it's most likely much faster)

  • No, 4g and quad core are incompatible (atleast for the US versions)

  • So this means the 4g version will pack a quad core too right?

  • Yes unfortunately you will need a 4G enabled device to get the coverage. If only it meant we all got it!

  • I'm in the dark about 4G.. can regular Galaxy S3s do 4G? Or just 3G… ie – do you need an LTE-specific version of the phone to be able to use 4G? (when it eventually rolls out!)

  • Along with this they should've shown a battery life test as well between 3G and 4g. :-p

  • Hi Wayne. The video demo here is the best we could do in the heavily 'policed' circumstances. As ever, when we can get a device in and do our own tests on it to better show clearer, more useful results, we will. Thanks for watching.

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