SCP Review Live : Starting with SCP 1980
IF inclined to support, an ideal way to request SCP Reviews is via :
That’s right, Director Arketer can be bribed now!
Or perhaps you WANT TO BUY A THING?!
Why not buy ART?! On a shirt! or a mug! Or a bedcover! Or a Shower Curtain! (bedcovers and showercurtains largely pending)
All of The Director’s Art Available For Purchase (along with Blowing Off Steam’s for some reason- you’ll be able to tell which is which-) available for purchase HERE:
Or just throw money at the Director for whatever reason!
Or not, but it’s always appreciated.
Thumbnails created by
Background track “Ghost 2″ @”Atomic Bomb Radio”
Try for the Saturday regular Livestreamed show largely revolving around absurd news and absurd associates the Director must put up with. WON’T YOU PLEASE SUBSCRUBE HEER TOO I.M CRYTYPPING THIS I-
by Director Arketer
linux foundation