SEC-100: CyberCore – Security Essentials | OffSec

Cyber entry, solved.

Establish a strong foundation in cybersecurity with the SEC-100: OffSec CyberCore – Security Essentials course. Learn essential offensive and defensive skills, networking basics, and scripting fundamentals: https://www.offsec.com/courses/sec-100/

SEC-100 equips learners with the essential knowledge and hands-on skills needed to launch a successful career in cybersecurity. This comprehensive course covers basic offensive and defensive techniques, networking, scripting, application and operating system security, and business-related skills.

Upon successful completion of the online training and demanding hands-on, proctored exam, learners earn the OffSec CyberCore Certified (OSCC SEC-100) certification. This certification validates expertise in essential cybersecurity domains, making certified professionals attractive candidates for entry-level cybersecurity positions.


by OffSec

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