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Self-hosted Asset Management System with Snipe-IT on Windows

#SnipeIT #AssetManagement #Windows

Full steps can be found at

   01. Download XAMPP
   02. Download Snipe-IT
   03. Download Microsoft Visual C++
   04. Download Composer
   05. Install Microsoft Visual C++
   06. Right click the downloaded XAMPP .zip file ≫ Extract All…
   07. Right click the downloaded Snipe-IT .zip file ≫ Extract All…
   08. Rename the extracted folder snipe-it
   09. Cut the snipe-it folder inside the XAMPP directory
   10. Copy the extracted XAMPP directory to a safe location to run from, C:Program Files for example
   11. Run XAMPP/setup_xampp.bat to update the configuration files with the new server location
   12. Navigate to XAMPP/php and edit php.ini
   13. Find the following line and remove the ; to uncomment them
   14. Save the changes to php.ini
   15. Navigate to XAMPP/apache/conf and edit httpd.conf
   16. Paste the following configuration at the bottom of the file, update the folder paths as needed
         Alias /snipe-it “C:/Program Files/xampp/snipe-it/public/”
         ≪Directory “C:/Program Files/xampp/snipe-it/public”≫
         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
         AllowOverride All
         Require all granted
   17. Save the changes to httpd.conf
   18. Install Composer
   19. Navigate to the XAMPP/snipe-it folder ≫ Right click in the white space ≫ Open PowerShell window here…
   20. Run the following command to download dependencies
         # create a copy of the sample .env file
         cp ..env.example ..env
         # install dependencies with composer
         composer i –no-dev –prefer-source
         # generate app key, type yes to confirm generating a new key
         php artisan key:generate
         # edit .env in notepad
         notepad ..env
   21. Modifying the following key/value pairs in .env as needed
   22. Save the changes to .env
   23. Run XAMPP/xampp-control.exe
   24. Click the Start button next to Apache and MySQL
   25. Navigate to XAMPP/mysql/bin
   26. Hold the SHIFT key and right click in the white space ≫ Open PowerShell window here…
   27. Type the following in the PowerShell window to setup the Snipe-IT database
         .mysql -u root
         CREATE DATABASE snipe_it;
         GRANT ALL ON snipe_it.* to ‘snipe_it_rw’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘$nip3-IT!’;
   28. Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP/snipe-it
   29. Review the Pre-Flight Checks summary ≫ Click the Next: Create Database Tables button
   30. Once the database tables are created, Click the Next: Create User button
   31. Create a user by inputting a site name, first name, last name, email address, username and password ≫ Click the Next: Save User button
   32. Welcome to Snipe-IT

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by i12bretro

windows server dns

One thought on “Self-hosted Asset Management System with Snipe-IT on Windows

  • can you show how to run "Snipe-IT" in a container or docker, Please & Thanks?

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