Servo: A Web View From Somewhere Else

The previous decade has seen a great decrease in the diversity of web engines and the consolidation of the browser industry into a small number of vendors. The consensus that the web platform is built on open standards and open-source software allows the participation of third parties, within limits. Meanwhile, the importance of the web platform has grown and it has become an essential building block in an increasing amount of technology stacks. Those who embed web engines or would like to give their users a full-featured web browser seek a path through these contradictions. Servo is an experimental web engine under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation. Harnessing the “fearless concurrency” and memory safety of Rust and the simpler code base of a greenfield implementation, it offers the possibility of a nimbler and more distributed evolution of the web platform.

Slides available at https://www.slideshare.net/igalia/a-web-view-from-somewhere-else

(c) GOSIM Conference 2023
Sept 26, 2023
Shanghai, China


by Igalia

linux foundation